Надеюсь текст первого урока вам не показался слишком сложным, к сожалению, в рамках этой платформы опубликовать дополнительные материалы не представляется возможным, поэтому сегодня снова только текст с выделенными выражениями, которые нужно попытаться понять при чтении.
И ещё кратко как заниматься:
- прочесть вслух
- понять каждое выражение исходя из контекста
- ещё раз прочитать текст вслух
для лучшего усвоения, конечно же, лучше прослушать аудио, прочитать объяснения когда используется каждое выражение и выплнить упражнения интерактивные - но это реализуемо только на сайте, а не здесь.
Jack had decided that he wanted to spend a year travelling around the world after he had finished school. He was fairly certain that he would do well enough in his final exams to get into university, but he was going to take a year off first. There was, however, a major problem. He had very little money.
'Hi, Jack! How's it going? asked Bob when he and Jim met Jack on the way to school. 'Did you get much studying done at the weekend?'
'It's not my schoolwork that's worrying me,' replied Jack. 'It's how to get enough money to go abroad after the exams.'
'You'll need a lot of money to do that,' said Bob. 'I always seem to spend an incredible amount of money whenever I travel.'
'Tell me about it!' replied Jack, 'and at the moment I've only got about $600 – give or take a few dollars.'
'You could always get a part-time job between now and the exams,' suggested Jim. 'You sound as though you're quite well ahead with your studying'
'Fat chance!' replied Jack. I'm sure I could easily get a job, but I hate to think what my parents would say about it. They're not very happy about my taking a year off before university, but they would be furious if I suggested taking a part-time job to pay for it'
'You never know. Perhaps they'll be so pleased if you do well in your exams that they'll lend you the money,' suggested Jim.
'Not on your life!' replied Jack. 'My father never changes his mind about anything.'
'So what are you going to do?' asked Bob. There's not much time left.'
'I haven't the foggiest!' said Jack. 'What I do know is that I will be on a plane as soon as the exams are over!'
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