Cats are affectionate and gentle creation that is more than 10,000 years old
live next to a person and today are considered some of the most popular home
animals think you all know about cats and if we tell you what is in the world
breed every cat that may be worth 20 thousand euros or what some cats
can be the size of an average dog and play the role of home protector
we are surprised by the whole experience at the moment there are so many different breeds that you just can't know them all that's why today we will tell you about the five rarest and most unusual cats let's go caracal
one of the rarest cats in the world considered a caracal recently this breed
was on the verge of extinction outside representatives remind
slender lynx because it decorates worse black long tassels caracal
desert inhabitant of the Arabian steppes peninsula africa minor and central asia India sometimes it can be found in the southern Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan this wild breed is easy to tame and ancient times with caracal hunted small game is not fine now feel in large and spacious houses
side by side with the caracalla man are very impressive
the size of their body can reach length up to one meter and weight up to 20 kilograms plus they don't really like everything uninvited guests and would rather die in a fight than a cowardly fleeing from the battlefield therefore caracalla can serve as excellent defenders of your home the price of this cat breed starts from 10,000 euros
it is understandably so exotic animals are judged by humans by
to the dignity of laperm this is a relatively new breed of cats she
appeared by accident in 1982 at farmers richard ellen de kehl
it turned out that in the usual shorthair cat was alone completely naked by four
months overgrown with a beautiful curly jokingly curly hair was the result
natural spontaneous mutation dominant gene induced
that is, the gene responsible for curly wool was predominant over
the rest are interested in what such wool laperm is partially hypoallergenic as in
there is no undercoat so if you are allergic to cats then
without problems you can start as pet purr of this breed
in general, these cats have unique personality they are very gentle
sociable and affectionate spread their love for all family members and even for
other pets including dogs elf no we didn't hit fantasy elves ta young cat breed
the first representatives who were withdrawn to the usa in 2006 in
breeding work american colas and canadian sphinxes in
resulting in an unusual a breed of hairless cats with curled
ears forward elves are very friendly smart naughty sociable and
curious and devoted creatures however, those wishing to purchase such
unique pet will have to be given rather big amount, namely 1800 euros
savannah this breed was bred by crosses of the African serval and
domestic cat breeding this breed in the usa started practicing at the beginning
1980s and the first two kittens born in 1986 weight savannah
can reach 15 kilograms and a height of 60 centimeters
making them one of the largest breeds of domestic cats distinctive features
savannah long legs oblong slender body large cupped ears
inherited from wild ancestors as well as thick spotted coat
savannahs are known for their high intelligence calm character
curiosity and activity they adapt very well to life in new conditions
but at the same time it needs sufficient space for games and running around
get along well with other animals love water procedures and walks on fresh air
only the price of such cats can range from three and a half to 21
thousands of euros depending on the class and sex kitten Burmilla breed was
launched in the UK in 1981 in unplanned mating persian chinchilla
or the laby Burmese cat from such unexpected marriage appeared
charming kittens with silver color soon began to appear
and other types of coloring but only because people took
improve the breed Burmilla cat is not very big and without
is usually from four to seven kilograms body very muscular paws short
rounded cat tips absolutely not whimsical but rich coat requires
special attention to representatives of this the breed is famous for its calm
character easily get along with dogs and cats of other breeds are not hostile and prefers to play with various subjects and don't forget about it subscribe to my channel