After reading adventure novels, watching exciting movies, we often dream of unusual journeys, incredible discoveries. Our gaze is directed beyond the horizons, giving birth to dreams of travelling to far away countries. But we should be a little more curious about the history of the place where we live, and suddenly it turns out that we don’t need to go far – there are plenty of such places nearby.
For a creative person fresh emotions are the main condition for inspiration. We can get these emotions best by travelling to our native places. That was the reason why young correspondents, the participants of young journalist’s school, created at the editorial office of the newspaper «Svetly Shlyakh», visited two sacred places for Belarusians.
First our young correspondents visited Kushlyany, the former estate of the poet-democrat, famous lawyer and public figure Frantsishak Bogushevich. The excursion was conducted by Ales Zhamoitin, the director of the museum. He told them about Matsey Burachok’s fate, his works and how the estate was saved. The guests also saw a memorial boulder in honor of the poet under which the poet hid his manuscripts. Our young people visited Lysaya Mountain near the pagan shrine, took a walk in the vicinity of the landlord’s house.
The young correspondents got a great impression after visiting the Zalessky Museum-Estate of Michal Kleofas Oginski. At that time the anniversary of the famous public figure and composer was being celebrated there. The beautiful autumn weather, the ancient English park, the music near the palace and the bright events of the celebration are the basis for their new publications. I hope our young authors will share their memories of discoveries in new corners of our small motherland.