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Covid 19. Benefits of Coronavirus


What do they have in common: Fly and Elephant, Man and Beaver, Dolphin and Bug!?!

 All of us, living beings, have a common home, our beautiful

 The Green Planet is our Earth!

 The Earth is our Mother,

 She gives us life, our whole body is built of food and water that we receive from her! She provides us with housing, we all live here!

 How do we, children of the Earth, thank our Mother !?

  •  Like ticks and mosquitoes we suck blood from its bowels!

  •  Like ringworm, we cut down the forests - the lungs of the Earth, destroying entire living ecosystems!

  •  Like terrorists, we detonate bombs and missiles on its surface, burn them with napalms!

  •  As poisoners, we pour chemicals into the seas and rivers, we bury toxic waste!

  •  Like killer maniacs, we strangle her with the greenhouse effect, exhaust gases from factories and cars!

 Our Mom is tired, she wants to rest!

 Our House suffers and groans from contamination and pollution, asks us to take care of cleanliness and order!

 As you know, we begin to appreciate something only after we lose it, but there are situations in which the loss will bring mental suffering, like a break in close relationships with a loved one or the departure of relatives, it is very difficult, but we manage to survive all this, but there is something, the loss of which does not leave a second chance and there is no way to fix something!


 Once you lose your own life or destroy our Planet, there will be no second attempt!

 "the sapper is wrong once!"

 Cancer cells, destroying any organ in the human body, are not able to understand that if this organ fails, the whole person will die and they will die with it!

 But you and I are the most highly developed creatures on the planet, we can understand this and stop mocking our mother Earth and stop shitting in our homes and destroying our Home!


 The covid 19 coronavirus was delegated by nature itself in order to cheer us up, to awaken from the delusion that - "if you bury radioactive waste in the neighbors' garden, then this does not concern me!"

 And the benefit - Mother Nature rested, gave us a lesson and another chance to think and fix everything!


 Start living in harmony with nature! Adhere to the rules of Reasonable Environmental Management!

 Otherwise, next time, Mother Earth, just get rid of us like a parasitic virus!

 Thank you very much for reading 🙏

Разрыв ⚡ Шаблона | Yandex Zen



 Peace, love and goodness to all!