Super news for English teachers
On 22/11/2020 we will be holding a very necessary and interesting FREE webinar on the topic: «Delta Module 2: from Australia to Rostov-on-Don! Why? And why not!?»
The webinar is for you if you are:
– an English language teacher who has been teaching for at least one year
– an English language teacher who wants to progress into more senior roles such as head of English and teacher training
– an experienced teacher who wants to extend expertise in a specialist area
– a first-language English speaker or a non-first language speaker who has a CEFR Level of high C1 or above
– and you have some questions about Delta Module Two.
If you want to get answers to your questions related to the DELTA course, dispel doubts and chat with DELTA tutors and colleagues on professional development topics of your concern in real time, then join our free webinar!
The host of the webinar, Victoria Taranova, (CELTA, CELT-P/S Tutor, ADoS Language Link Taganrog with Cambridge Delta, CELTA, CELTA YL, TKT) will talk to
Yuliana Chernikova, a Delta expert, did Delta M2 in Bournemouth, England (Delta and CELTA Tutor, CELT-P/S Tutor, DoS Language Link South with Cambridge Delta, Cambridge proficiency C2, CELTA, PhD)
Todd Cowell, was born in Australia, did Delta M2 in Rostov-on-Don (an English Instructor and E-learning Coordinator for Men’s Main Campus King Abdulaziz University English Language Institute, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia with a Bachelor of Education (BEd), an MA TESOL and Cambridge Delta)
Elena Kapshutar, was born in Ekaterinburg, came from Baku to Rostov-on-Don to do Delta M2 (CELTA Tutor, ADoS Language Link Rostov with Cambridge Delta, Cambridge Proficiency C2, Goethe-Zertifikat C2, PhD).
It will be interesting! All participants of the broadcast will receive a gift
Limited number of seats!