It is possible to remove the state from direct subordination to external conceptual power only through a deep personal understanding of the system of social controlling in its complete algorithm. The conceptual power that influences our statehood has mastered the six precedences of generalized weapons, but they only work together as a single mechanism. At the same time, military weapons and terror are the fastest-acting, but the last, sixth most effective impact on society and the sustainability of the results achieved. So Russia, which won victories at the level of the sixth precedence, after a while went to the defeated country for loans: in the XIX century — to France, in the XX century-to Germany. A country that builds its future on the sixth precedence is doomed. So it was with Nazi Germany, and so it will be with the United States, which is being lowered to the sixth precedence. At the same time, Switzerland has never been at war and does not plan to do so in the future. Its owners have made sense of controlling schemes based on more significant precedences: weapons of genocide, world money, ideological weapons, chronological and methodological weapons. It should be recalled that all political emigration from all countries "have ideated" in Switzerland for many centuries without any consequences for it, but with consequences for their countries.
The weakness of the sixth precedence is primarily due to its obvious type of manifestation, and therefore the possibility of organized counteraction. Therefore, in scenarios of the conceptual power that operates primarily by means of "cultural cooperation", direct aggression is used as a last resort and exclusively by the efforts of a third purposefully prepared party. As a rule, it boils down to carefully pushing two warring parties into a military conflict in order to weaken each of them and solve the third party's own political and economic problems. Unfortunately, the countries caught in this trap do not realize that it is just as impossible to win a war as it is to win an earthquake.
As a result of the emerging conflict in its zone, prerequisites are created for more effective development of a third party, to expand the market for products; thus access to natural resources, which often become gratuitous, to cheap labor, and to high-tech developments in the region is simplified. The advantages of a third party were described quite accurately by the American historian called A. Wolfe: "The best way to take advantage of war is to always have war, especially if it turns out to be possible to do so with minimal participation in hostilities." This is the scenario that all modern military conflicts follow.
A special place in the scenario development of the conceptual power on the sixth precedence has always been taken, for instance, by the Balkans. It was there that the flames of world wars were kindled. In the Balkans, we had a showdown of power elites, among which there were neither right nor wrong parties. Russian Tsar Alexander III stated the only correct position on such conflicts in the epigraph: "for everything that is happening in the Balkans, I will not give up the life of a single Russian soldier."
Each of the modern local military conflicts is a fragment of a scenario for a global clash of civilizations, i.e. historically real Islam and historically real Christianity — despite the fact that a conflict between their founders is impossible, since they professed the same ideals and served the same God. It is this background that can be identified in any of the regional conflicts, each of which is just a small collateral damage in the global geopolitical game. Major military conflicts lead to huge monetary demands that are met by international bankers who finance governments. These are the epochs of global gesheft. Not everyone really understands that back in 1935, Hitler did not have a single tank, a single gun, or a single aircraft. So be careful to analyze the crocodile tears about the victims of World War II from those who nurtured, financed and manipulated Hitler, who was nothing more than a puppet in the global financial operation to turn the dollar into the basic reserve currency of the world, as opposed to the currencies of the real warring powers.
The newspaper "On guard of the Motherland" from 26.04.1991 cites the abstract No. 2143/41 of division No. 3 of the III Department of the Abwehr from July 12, 1941, which reports on the conversation of the representative of the American special mission to the Vatican Mr. Tittmann with Pope Pius XII. In particular, the document reports on the financial support of the Vatican by Roosevelt from secret funds and on the Pope's report to the United States in spending amounts, mainly on the creation of an agent network. There are also such words: "On the threshold of war between Germany and Russia, the Vatican will do everything necessary to speed up the outbreak of war between Germany and Russia, and even encourage Hitler to do so by promising him moral support." "Germany," the Pope declared," will win a victory over Russia, but its forces will be so weakened that then it will be possible to treat Germany completely differently."
In the same document, it is reported that the Pope, objecting to the reproaches of the Polish Ambassador for the lack of support for Poland, told him something like this: "Remember how often in the history of the Church it happened that the Lord used a person or an entire nation as a hostage of humanity, and then threw them into the fire when the hostage had fulfilled his role. So will be with Germany, we must wait patiently and not allow ourselves to be drawn into unwise actions ahead of time." Simply put, Poland is a collateral damage in the global game and to be interested in this game is none of the poles' business, in the same way as the Germans are not supposed to care, why and for what they should fight with Russia and why it is unacceptable to cross the border into nearby Switzerland to occupy and possess "the world's money-box".
The processes of reformations and military conflicts are led and covered by various "specialists" located on different sides of the ocean, but representing a single well-coordinated team. These are modern sutlers of economic predatory wars. V. I. Dahl’ (the founder of the Russian defining dictionary) defined sutlers as merchants who follow the army in wartime and earn money in the war through trade operations. The sutlers were least interested in their country's military success.
Let's turn to the Western versions that explain the motives of international banking clans that earn money on loans to governments. The need for them becomes more acute during the conduct of military operations, and they are taken on any conditions. As we know from modern history, the global Rothschild clan, for example, began its "business" in this direction with the battle of Napoleon at Waterloo.
"Bankers had to develop a strategy that allowed them to be sure that the government they had lent would not cancel the loan which the banks had lent to the government.
International bankers gradually worked out their plan. It has been called the "balance of power policy". This meant that bankers lent to two governments at the same time, allowing themselves to pit one against the other as a means of forcing one of them to pay the bankers ' debts. The most successful means of securing agreement on payment terms was the threat of war: a banker could always threaten a defaulting government with war as a means to force payments. This re-entry into state ownership will almost always work, since the head of government, who is worried about keeping his seat, will agree to ehe original loan terms and continue paying out.
The key point here was the proportionality of states: so that no country would be so strong that the military threat from the weakest neighbor would not be sufficient to force payments."
These are excerpts from Ralph Epperson's book 'The Invisible hand.' (Introduction to the view of history as a conspiracy)", which was published in the United States in 1985, and in seven years (by 1992) was reprinted thirteen times.
Fortunately, the tactic of pitting peoples against each other, which has been justified for thousands of years, has been exhausted. This mechanism has revealed itself due to the Law of Time and has become strategically unworkable due to changed circumstances and ongoing changes in the logic of social behavior. We have entered a new era of human development, when it will no longer be possible to ignite the fire of a new world war. However, this algorithm is actively used at the level of local conflicts.
Let's look at the military events and the unheard-of international terrorism that has developed over the past 30 years. Upon closer examination, it becomes clear that, for example, the epoch-making terrorist attack in the United States of 11.09.2001 was not an action against the dollar, as many people in the world thought. Undermining the dollar is a short-term stage. This trend worked for no more than two days, and its strengthening was the next stage and the strategic goal of a terrorist operation. Under the slogan of anti-terror, the US military machine was launched to destabilize the situation in the world. This is not beneficial to the United States as a state, nor to the American people. This is beneficial to the supranational system of controlling, which uses the United States as a puppet-tool in making global policy. Similarly, the processes of insane financial investments in Hitler by the global financial clans of Europe and the United States were unprofitable for the German people.
The starting point of these processes is 1913, when a de facto private corporation was created i.e. US Federal reserve, which usurped the right to issue the dollar. World War I (analysis of history shows that it was mostly provoked by Britain, which sought to remove its geopolitical rivals — Russia and Germany, but overlooked the USA) was the first step to world hegemony of the dollar and its financial clans. It undermined the foundations of the unchallenged British pound that had previously prevailed. At the second stage, the supranational financial clans that owned the dollar issue through the fed, organized World War II, and finally "lowered" the currencies of all the warring powers. In 1944, the goal of the war was achieved. The Bretton Wood agreements were concluded, according to which the US dollar was recognized as the only world currency exchanged for gold.
As a result of World War II, the owners of the dollar financial system received the right to issue unlimited dollar paper with a very tricky income, which in the economic encyclopedia is called a rarely used word - seigniorage. Seigniorage is a profit determined by the difference between the face value of money and the cost of its physical manufacture. The cost of producing a hundred-dollar bill is less than 10 cents, and the profit of the person who prints it is 99 dollars and 90 cents. The Corporation that issues this paper, has profit, which is not even dreamed of any drug traffickers or arms dealers. Today, we exchange 10 kg of dollar paper for 100 kg of gold, as well as thousands of tons of oil, timber, gas, etc., providing at least commodity lending to the United States, and as a maximum Russia gives all that on a non-refundable basis. However, the latter option is implemented at the time when the dollar pyramid collapses.
Everything that was happening around Iraq is seen as a struggle for the access to oil. However, for the money that had already been spent on preparing for war, all this oil could simply have been bought. Behind the oil screen there are hidden algorithms for global destabilization of the situation in the world. Only global destabilization on a global scale with the lowering of the currencies of all the countries involved in it can provide another monopoly on the insane profits of the global emission center.
With such bloody scenarios, the owners of the dollar pyramid want to save the dollar. To create a pretext for the beginning of the war, supranational financial clans organized a provocation with explosions which untied the hands of the US military machine. The gambit was successful. The USA built military bases in Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan, a reference point in Georgia. In other words, the US armed forces were on the verge of direct contact not only with Russia, but also with the US strategic opponent — China. You may try to come up with a better way to directly invade the underbelly of Russia and China in the place of the conceptual power ill-thinkers, if you can. But you cannot.
Details of this global provocation, organized from the supranational level with the participation of US intelligence services, are described in the book "Monstrous fraud" by French author Thierry Meissan. Here is just one fact. Insinuations about the fall of the "Boeing" to the Pentagon get exposed if you carefully look at the photos of the place of occurrence. The entrance opening on the facade has a diameter of 6 m, the exit is 2.3 m.
While the wingspan of the Boeing 757 is 38 m. No fragments of the plane that allegedly crashed into the Pentagon were found in the surrounding area.
The only way to stabilize the situation in the world, without changing the nature of money is to ban the demonstration of acts of terror in the media. Without television support any acts of terror become meaningless for those who organize and finance them. However, the financial and methodological basis of terrorism can also be eliminated by transferring the global credit and financial system to a fundamentally different concept of functioning. Humanity must re-provide the money with commodity form and introduce the standard energy currency, that is, to establish a certain ratio (proportion) between the annual production of electricity — on the one hand, and on the other hand, with the amount of money that supports turnover. At the same time, Russia should switch to exporting its untold treasures ( gas, timber, oil, and metals) only for its own currency — rubles. At the same time, the ruble, if provided by a "simple product" security, will become the most stable currency in the world. Today, Russia's resources are ensuring the stability of the dollar. By excluding the possibility to expand the paper and electronic dollar in principle, people would also exclude the prerequisites to finance and organize terror in their countries.
At the level of global world politics, "touching concern" for the eradication of Russian criminality and crime has repeatedly been shown.
But the fact is that at the level of the conceptual power, all private activities are assembled into a single integrity: ruling politicians and the opposition, bankers and industrialists, criminals and law enforcement agencies, and so on. From the point of view of a layman, these are mutually unrelated particulars, but for the conceptual power they form a social integrity, mutually complementing each other. Therefore, within the "elite" there is a narrow circle dedicated to the methodology to streamline the crime, if there is such a thing, so that social chaos and self-imposed permissiveness of individuals do not arise. The conceptual power, protecting itself, suppresses such amateur crime both through the state system and through organized gangs controlled by it.
Russian organized crime became uncontrolled by the West. This is what causes their alarm. It does not recognize Western canons, as it belongs to a different regional civilization with its own worldview. Our criminal world, unlike the Western one, does not acknowledge the net income of both the Colombian drug Lord and Baron Rothschild.
From the point of view of the interests to develop national statehood, the criminals sometimes had a less vicious position than the ruling "elite". Let's remember at least the words from the song: "Soviet criminal den gathered for a crime boss meeting , Soviet criminal den said' No ' to the enemy."
The term "crime" does not, therefore, give ideas about moral and sociological phenomena, but only about legal and criminalistic ones. If the Yeltsin's regime legalized malicious thieves ' norms, then only those people who may be assessed as criminals by the authorities could resist them. Therefore, those who advocate inflexibility in the fight against crime should understand that people like Buddha, Moses, Christ, and Muhammad were the criminals in their time in relation to the traditional ethics and written legality of those times. But it was they who contributed to the formation of righteous morality, humanization of society.
Domestic and spontaneous crime is also represented in Russia. The rapid growth of crime is sometimes attributed to flaws in the work of law enforcement agencies. This is ridiculous. In any country in the world, the crime rate is clearly associated with the depravity of the prevailing concept in society and with the corresponding income gap. To determine the crime rate in a country, it is enough to compare the incomes of the richest 10% of the population and the poorest 10%. The income gap is always directly proportional to the crime rate. Any attempts to refer to law enforcement agencies are nothing more than schemes to conceal the true causes of crime.
At the level of global sociology, only one objective category can be distinguished, which, in contrast to subjectively understood crime, provides an unambiguous characterization of morality and true crime from the perspective of any regional society and in international communities. This category is depravity. Depravity is a feature of public culture and people's culture that:
- oppresses the genealogical lines of its carriers and leads to their suppression in succession of generations;
- negatively affects and depresses the genetics of the surrounding immaculate people;
- destroys regional biocenoses and the biosphere as a whole.
Depravity is many-sided in its manifestations and diverse in its essence. Hardships generated by the depravity of one group of people are often borne by other groups, and that is one of the signs of the Universe integrity. The dominance of depravity in the culture of society condemns it to self-destruction. Society must be able to resist corruption in order to sustainably reproduce healthy generations, develop the cultural heritage of our ancestors, and preserve regional biocenoses and the biosphere of the planet as a whole.
Crime against law can either facilitate the eradication of the depravity of society or increase problems in society spreading perversity.
Many of our compatriots who neither wanted to be slaves nor found the strength to effectively resist the vicious policy of the state power in 90s, have gone into criminality. They operate at the Precedences 6-4 and could become a socially useful force if they master higher levels precedences (1-3).
The position of the "intelligentsia in law" has its deep historical roots and global support schemes. Compare the current position of the ideologues of liberalism with the assessments that were given back in 1906, and the non-random nature of much of today will become obvious to you. "Looking at Russia's sufferings, at dying folk heritage, at plundered state treasury, replenished with people's hard-earned money, at graceless murderers with impunity shedding blood of faithful servants of the Fatherland, at the Russianness, being so glorious not long ago, exposed to shame before the whole world, at vacillation of the Great Russian Power to the delight of her external enemies and internal traitors, such as scientists, people called "liberals", rejoicing over this, instructing us in books, in newspapers and at public meetings that it is... "liberal reforms" "(Bushey G. V. "Constitution and political freedom", 1906).
Each concept of social structure has its own subjective perception of objective depravity.
At the same time, the society that carries the concept is protected by the normative ethics inherent in this concept, legislation, and actual practice of its compliance. Without understanding the essence of the depravity in the concept of social structure itself, an objectively dangerous situation may arise at the stage of changing epochs. The danger of conceptually uncertain controlling, as has been recently happening in Russia. In this situation, the fight against "crime in general " can end with self-destruction of society, which has become objectively depraved in terms of law and ideology. Objective depravity, supported by legislation, begins to be reproduced in an extended way with the change of generations.