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🤩How to create and use the NEW share to Buncee Boards feature.👩‍🏫

Buncee Boards have long been a powerful tool for sharing and connecting in a virtual setting. They can be used as a convenient way to collect and share resources, or as a tool to connect with your class, school, district, or even the world! Buncee Boards make inspiring creativity, sharing ideas, and spreading love easy and seamless.

Now, we’re excited to announce a new update that will make sharing your Buncees to Buncee Boards easier than ever! You can now share your Buncee to a Board right from the share menu in your Buncee using a Board code. You can also open a Board, and add a Buncee to that Board right from your dashboard! Let's take a closer look at how easy it is to share your Buncees to Buncee Boards now:

Ideas for your classroom

This new update makes it easier than ever to integrate Buncee Boards into your virtual classroom, professional development sessions, and beyond! There are so many possibilities, but here are a few ideas to inspire you to try out Buncee Boards for yourself:

– Encourage students to share their Buncees with their classmates on a class Buncee Board

– Host a PD session, share the Board code with your colleagues and encourage them to share their Buncees to the Board

– Challenge students to work collaboratively on group projects using Buncee Boards

– Easily create a collection of Buncees curated around a particular topic.

With the new Buncee Board update, we were all able to share, comment, and like in one board. Through this new feature, we learned fun tidbits about some of our colleagues who survive on a steady diet Coke and Oreo’s, and others who have crazy travel stories. Without the real-life water cooler, people are being forced to get to know each other online – what better way than to creatively share about yourself through an About Me Team/Classroom/Friends Buncee Board!

Original BLOG page: https://blog.buncee.com/sharing-to-Bu...

Do you have any questions about the new update Share to Buncee Boards, ask in the comment area!

Stay Safe!