In order to understand the word 'notion' itself, we need to recall how our brain works. It's not as difficult as everyone may think, but it's not as easy as someone thinks, you just have to try to be careful and remember that behind our words there are living phenomena, and the words just point to them.
We all have left and right brain hemispheres. They perform different functions in the human thought process. The left hemisphere of the brain "thinks" abstractly and logically, that is, it is "responsible" for language proficiency (including mathematical) and logic. The right hemisphere of the brain "thinks" processively and figuratively, that is, it is "responsible" for the perception of images and processes in their entirety and integrity. Of course, the left and right hemispheres of the brain must work in accordance and in harmony. To do this, both hemispheres do not just have a physiological connection, but also must be equally well developed.
The six sense organs in the right hemisphere of the brain provide subjective images of the objective world. These images are our feelings processed by the brain. They can be a simple set of disordered information, or they can have a coherent system of relationships between them. Then such a system is called a worldview.
1 Five sense organs, plus a sense of the measure to predestinate the development of being, or simply –intuition.
And it is the left hemisphere of the brain that "names" each image separately with its own word and their entire totality as a whole in the form of a language of communication. This is how a notion arises in our brain. The notion is a constant mutual correspondence between an image and its lexical expression (a word or phrase of the language), that is, it is a stable relationship between the hemispheres of the brain that occurs when the human mind collides with a phenomenon.
Let's look at a simple example: the word "key" will cause different people to have different associations: a housewife will have an image of an apartment key, a programmer –a keyboard key, a cryptographer –a code group key, a musician –the key of G, etc. This means that the word "key" is not a notion, but the phrase "apartment key" or the phrase
"key access" are notions, since by hearing or reading these phrases most people see images of the same phenomena.
Do you wonder why we pay so much attention to the notion? The answer is simple: a person thinks only in notions formed by personally by himself. You may ask: so what? The thing is that if a person does not have certain notions about some important phenomena in life, then these phenomena do not seem to exist for him. This means that some things for one person are obvious or self-evident, and for another the same things are "nonsense" or a riddle that has no answer and explanation i.e. mere mysticism.2
2 There is a relating anecdote – a parable about a monkey that finds a saw somewhere, climbs a tree, gets surrounded by the general attention of other animals and enthusiastically saws a branch on which it is sitting. A boa constrictor crawls by and sees this strange "show" in which the main character is about to fall. The boa constrictor tries to warn the monkey repeatedly, but the latter is blinded by everyone's attention and its stupidity, and tells the boa to stuff it, because the monkey believes that the boa is just jealous ... After a while, it unexpectedly falls down and hurts itself, and then looks at the boa constrictor with surprise and admires:
in the process of development and growing up of a child, his notions of the World are formed. If the key notions fail to get formed, or is distorted under the influence of evil culture, then it becomes a hostage to his ignorance and those people who understand more than him, "Each in accordance to his understanding runs his own show, and in accordance of misunderstanding he runs the show of the one who understand more". Let's consider the aphorism of K. Prutkov and try to understand what it means? If two different people were brought up in different worldview systems, then the advantages are not for the smart one, but for the one who was helped to form key notions in themselves, and at the same time did not suppress his creativity by coding rote learning.
I suggest that you expand the range of your notions and review some of the "known" notions. Then you will be able to feel and understand the difference, and then voluntarily make your choice and independently build your own destiny, the fate of your family, kindred, people and participate in the fate of our Motherland not as hostages, but as full-fledged subjects of controlling. The notion of controlling comes from the French words – contre role (against the list).
"You're a wizard or something!?". For all those present, there was a mysticism, and for the boa a natural phenomenon that goes without saying ...