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A unique store is like a Museum in Saint Petersburg

Every guest of St. Petersburg, including its residents, has the opportunity to visit the unique store "Olivia". "Olivia" is the only specialized olive oil store in Russia and, perhaps, in the world.

When I first got into it, I was speechless. I've never seen anything like it before. The store's atmosphere is relaxing and mesmerizing. This condition is promoted not only by a huge range of olive oils and olives, but also by relaxing theme music.

The main product offered in this store, as the name implies, is olive oil. However, this is not the usual olive oil that everyone is used to seeing on store shelves. "Olivia" will impress with the number and variety of the usual product, which you could not have suspected. These are unfiltered olive oil, organic oil, single-grade oils, flavored oils with natural additives, oils with protected geographical indications of origin, made in certain regions of Europe.

But this is not all – for special connoisseurs and gourmets, the store has in store delicious pumpkin seed oil, all kinds of nut oils, avocado oil, rice oil and grape seed oil, coconut, linseed, sesame, argan and even hemp oil. Also on the shelves of this store you will find natural wine and balsamic vinegars, sauces and dressings straight from Italy, Austria, Greece. And, of course, olives. Natural green and black olives from small to giant. There are also stuffed olives with almonds, garlic, herbs and sweet peppers. By the way, there is a tasting table in the store that will help you make your "difficult choice" from such a large assortment. After all, even the oils of the same manufacturer will have completely different tastes, tartness and bitterness. The store's consultants will also help you make this choice. They will tell you, depending on your preference, what you should choose.

At first glance, it may seem that those who for some reason do not like olives or olive oil, in the store "Olivia" have nothing to do. However, this is not so, because this oil is useful not only for food, it is also widely used for cosmetic purposes.


Having been here once, my feet carry me to this yummy store. Everything in it is delicious, and most importantly useful.

And I don't bother with gifts for my family and friends anymore. I only buy here. Gifts are Packed just great! I noticed that I wasn't the only one. On New year's day, February 23, March 8, teacher's day, crowds of customers choose gifts in this store. Although I have often witnessed people whispering among themselves that they were in a free Museum.

Here is such a sophisticated decoration is in our Northern capital!

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