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How to make a ravioli recipe in a very easy and perfect way


How to make a ravioli recipe in a very easy and perfect way. This is an Italian dish.How to make a ravioli recipe in a very easy and perfect way. This is an Italian dish.

Basic Ingredients for ravioli: - Basic Ingredients for ravioli: -

Half cup maida

Half cup semolina

Salt to taste

2 tablespoons Olive oil

1/2 capsicum

2 onions

1/2 cup chopped spinach

Half cup of cottage cheese

1/2 teaspoon oregano

½ teaspoon chili flake

A tomato

3-4 garlic cloves

How to make ravioli?

First, we will take a bowl and in it, we will put half a cup maida, half a cup semolina, and 2 teaspoons of olive oil

After this, we will also add some salt. Now we will mix it well with the help of hands.

In this we have to pour water according to this mixture, our mixture should not be too thin.

We will cover this with the help of hands for about 10 minutes. After passing it, we will cover it with the help of a white paper and leave it for half an hour.

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Along with this, we will use a little olive oil and cheese and oregano and red chili powder.

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Now we'll put capsicum in it, we'll cook it for a minute. Now we'll put capsicum in it, we'll cook it for a minute.

Now we'll put capsicum in it, we'll cook it for a minute.

Now we'll put capsicum in it, we'll cook it for a minute. Now we'll put capsicum in it, we'll cook it for a minute.

After this, we'll put spinach in it. Now we will add paneer to it. Will add a little salt.

oregano and red chili flakes will also be added. We will mix it well.

Now cut the small pieces of our earlier prepared dough and roll it with the help of a rolling pin.

Keep in mind that we do not have to roll too long. After this, we will fill in this.

On top of that, we will garnish with some cheese. Our recipe is now ready.y.elp of a fork.

After this, we'll put it in boiled water. We have to cook this for about 5 to 8 minutes.

Now we will prepare a souce for this, for this, we need a tomato, and onion, 2 buds of garlic and basil and mint leaves.

Boil them all thoroughly and grind them. Now we'll boil it a little by putting it in a pan.

Do not cook too much of this, we will add some black pepper to it.

Now we will put our prepared ravioli in it. Once ready, we will take it onian the plate.