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Анна Шевалкина

How well do you care for your heart?

You should take care for your heart, as it is one of the main organs of your body. What factors influence it?

First important factor is the air, which surrounds us. We are lucky because we live in a green town, so we can breathe clean air. It greatly affects human's health in general. People who live in dirty air more likely to get sick.

Second important factor is food. We should eat products which contain proteins and carbohydrates. Also our diet should include fruits and vegetables. It gives energy and vitamins to our body. As for me, I like a large number of fruits, so I think it's not a problem for me.


Another significant factor is stress. A lot of teenagers, including myself are often worried about any reasons, like school, exams and the same kind of things. Stop it! Everything will be fine. Everyone can make mistakes, especially at our age, when we are just learning how to live.


And the last, but not least factor is physical activity. It's wonderful when you exercise, play sports or go to the gym. It makes your heart stronger. For instance, I prefer going to the gym. There are a lot of equipment.


To sum up, everyone is responsible for their own health, so take care for your heart and body.