We are conditioned to believe that “things just happen”. When things “just happen”, people say, “Well, that’s life,” implying that there are natural patterns that have always existed and keep unfolding, and so the only thing we can do is accept whatever happens naturally... and carry on.
Have you ever given it a deeper thought? Have you ever tried to challenge the natural order of things, starting with whatever happens in your own body and mind? I’m emphasizing this because we HAVE TO start with ourselves and the very physical reality of our existence, question and challenge our own physical routines.
Here is a hint: things never “just happen”. It’s a lie. We say it only when things happen without our control (or without us consciously initiating them). So yes, to us it “just happens”, but in reality... if we are not doing them, if we are not in control and don‘t understand whatever process... then someone/something else does. When “things just happen” in our lives, minds, bodies and we aren’t the ones initiating them, it means that something else directs and manipulates our lives. And this is not just about social processes, politics, or mentality. It is about the very physical existence of human beings... For example, about the way we get tired and then rest, about our “need” to sleep.
One great example of stuff “just happening” is puberty and hormones. At a certain age our bodies start changing drastically, and whatever happens during puberty is attributed to hormonal changes in the human body which are, indeed, natural... But what do we do? We take teenage “craziness” as something unavoidable, as a challenge (for parents mostly) that has to be survived. There are biology classes for kids, but are there any classes that can teach them to really UNDERSTAND their own physical organisms and the way hormones can affect human behavior, thinking, decision-making?
Not really. There are no teachings that would tell us how to notice the way hormones affect our emotions and what to do with it. There aren’t classes to help us understand how our mentality is affected by info-attacks and subliminal messages and how changing, growing organisms are more vulnerable to these influences. The so-called “sex education” teaches people how to f*ck safely, but never to understand yourself, or sex , or the way hormones basically RULE most people’s lives and make them easy control subjects for pretty much everything. The question of understanding one’s cravings and physical reactions isn’t even there because, well, “it just happens”, what can we do, we are just animals after all - who even thinks about the possibility to take control of your own body and mind, of being truly CONSCIOUS about every single physical and mental process that happens?
Same thing goes for that mysterious thing called “sleep.” Nowadays it is common knowledge (right!) that a normal person (whatever THAT means) has to get 6 to 8 hours of sleep every day in order to be functional. This is said by scientists and doctors who we are conditioned to believe more than our own bodies and experiences.
Things don’t just happen. What happens is that every human baby is born fresh into the world that has already been set up, prewritten, designed. We are born into a multitude of scenarios created by someone else, and the only thing left to do seems to be to LEARN TO ACCEPT AND FIT IN.
Here is the question: if you really knew what was going on, if you could really feel that with every cell of your body, would it make you happy? If this is true and “that’s life” is just a soft way of saying that we are merely puppets in someone else’s story (you CAN challenge me and disagree - it’s your human right to think that I’m delusional or full of shit), what does it say about something like freedom?