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Little Level Designer

About me (English HomeWork)

I am Russian. I was born in Polevskoy, but I live in Yekaterinburg. I am level designer in Targem Games. The project that I am working on is "Crossout Mobile" - it is a pvp (player vesrus player) third person shooter, where players fight on self-made cars. My area of responsibility includes creating gameplay on pvp/pve (player versus enviroment) maps, communicating with level artists team, maintenance of existing maps.

For six years I was studying Physics and Maths in the university as a student. I have got bachelor degree in Theoretical Physics in 2017 and master degree in Aplied Informatics in 2019. During my education I also was learning game development aspects such as computer graphics, 3d modelling, game engines, enviroment art and game design by myself via Internet courses. Сombination of technical education and self studying led me to my first IT-job in game development company.

Besides game development, my passion is traveling and camping. I hit the road whenever I have a spare moment, and can be found reaching mountain peak or forest lake. Concerning traveling in foreign countires, I have already visited Thailand and Vietman, and there is more in my bucket list. My other passion is my girlfriend. She always finds interesting activities for us like pictures painting, wheat harvesting or sapling planting. I deeply love her and she loves me back, but we are not dating - it is our feature.