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Разница между borrow и lend | Experiment | Поймете ли вы статью на английском?


Good morning, everyone! How are you doing?

Do you want to test your skills and how well you can understand written English? Today I decided to choose a pretty easy topic – the difference between borrow and lend – so you will be able to understand without difficulties.

Well, before we start, let me bright your beginning of the day with this inspirational quote:

Life never stops teaching. Be sure you never stop learning. — Michael Josephson

Borrow vs. Lend

Those two verbs seem really confusing to those who learn English. First, let's start with "borrow."


"Borrow" means when you take something from someone knowing that you will give it back.

For example, do you have a pencil that I can borrow? Here you're asking your friend to give you his extra pencil but letting him know that you will give it back.

Here are more examples,

  • May I borrow your phone for a couple of minutes? I need to make an emergency call.
  • May I borrow your camera for the art project?
  • Tom borrowed $50 from me.
  • Jane, I forgot my wallet. May I borrow a few bucks from you?
  • I often borrow my friend's car.


"Lend" means when you temporarily give something to someone. In other words, you expect that person to return you whatever he/she took.

For example, he often lends me a camera. In this example, he gives me his camera whenever I ask him for it. But he knows that I always give it back to him when I finish.

Here are more examples,

  • He lent $150 to my brother.
  • I've lent my laptop to my friend.
  • I will lend you my dress for this Wednesday.
  • I lent my umbrella to Tom.
  • Can you lend me the math book?


In brief, "borrow "is when you take something from someone. "Lend" is when you give someone something.

Here is some brief visual explanation


I hope you guys are having a better understanding of those two verbs now. I also hope that you understood the article as well. If you have any concerns, let me know.

I encourage you to leave comments about the English format, and if it's better for you or not.

That's all for today, my friends! Thank you for your time and attention.

I wish you a wonderful day.

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