You have been educated in an environment that teaches you to be a money making machine, and nothing more. Therefore, your mind has been warped by the world around you into believing that is what life is all about. But this is not true.
In reality, most people spend their entire lives working to make money. They work hard, even when they don't have to. The reason for this is that they want more and more money. What will I do with the extra money? Who knows? It may be nice at times.
But you are not a machine. You do not live to fulfill the needs of those around you, but rather, have needs yourself.
Your needs are to live a fulfilling life, and one that is free of stress. You already know this is impossible when you work hard during the week in order to have money for food and shelter, so that you can survive.
But here is the main question: Is this life worth living?
Here, you must answer for yourself. How do you feel about your work? Is it fulfilling?