Idleness is a toy of a devil, the vice which tugs at people's heels, making them unable to proceed down their paths. It destroys peace in society and undermines human dignity.
For in leisure, the mind of man is left to wander, and this is a dangerous situation. While people are supposed to be working at their jobs they might become slothful.
Leisure is important, but a person must be careful not to allow it to overtake them. A balance of work and leisure is the best way for people to enjoy their lives.
There are people in this world who never work, but they still manage to eat and to live. People must be allowed to rest, otherwise they will become sick or even die.
Leisure is a good thing, but only in moderation. Too much leisure time will lead to the downfall of society unless people are educated.
Leisure is only good for people when it is accompanied by education. This way they will be able to take the time to learn, and feed their minds.