Theme: Many people think that fast food companies should not be allowed to advertise while eithers believe that all companies should have the right to advertise what is your opinion.
Talking about advertisements used to advertise in fast food companies. Some people consider that advertising should not use in the fast food industry, other people think that advertising allowed for companies. In my opinion, I total agree with companies have rights to advertise.
Why fast food industry doesn’t use to advertise on their products. There are several reasons that answering all companies have the right fair. Advertising is a key part of their products and services. Nowadays, there are so many companies using to advertise to tell their products to customers to buy more than. Thanks to, these companies can create much unemployment who have job opportunities so that they earn money for their lives. Moreover, advertising plays an important role in modern business, owing to this industry can give as well as developing the economy of the local community. At present, advertising is one of the highest services in many developing and developed countries. Using advertisement to help residential areas can update much information in term of many aspects such as the ingredient of food, how to avoid cancer disease, may be prices product are increasing.
However, fast food is one of the developed industry in many countries but the local governments should propose several solutions to introduce a new law on using fast food over especially children and young people to avoid by the abuse eat this food. For example, the local government should raise people’s awareness on problems in term of healthy fast food.
In conclusion, the reasons as I mentioned above, I believed that people have no right to bar to use advertisement in many companies as well as fast food companies.