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Сергей Львович

I should always do the right thing

By Сергей Львович.


My first thought is that "good" and "right" are two different things. A good action does not always equate to a right action, thus the term "right" in this context refers to something more than just doing what is good.

A person may do something they believe is morally correct when it doesn`t make them feel bad, but perhaps another person would disagree with their actions and vice versa. The majority of people agree on some basic moral values such as murder or theft being wrong, but outside of these accepted norms there can be no real objective judgement on what is right or wrong.

Let`s take a scenario that will be familiar to most people, the choice of whether or not someone is right to have an abortion. If we were all purely logical beings then there would be no problem with making this decision because it could simply be based on facts, statistics and logic.

It would be easy to simply say that abortion is 100% wrong because a human life has been taken, but then we have the issue of whether or not a foetus is actually alive in the first place. Many people believe it isn`t, until it begins to move around and kick about. But if this logic were applied across the board with all elements of life there would be no living things on Earth today.

We now have a very big problem. We cannot use any logic to make an objective decision regarding abortion because we are relying on the life of another human as the base for our judgement, which is what makes it such a difficult choice in the first place.

What I`m trying to say is that people don`t do what they believe is right, they do what makes them feel good. We might have a moral compass for basic human rights, but when it comes down to the fine details of life we get confused and often look to other people`s opinions on how we should act.

The only answer is to trust your own feelings, because they are yours and you know how they will affect you. If it makes you feel bad then don't do it. While this might not be right in the eyes of others, at least we have done what feels good for us.