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Children – young defenders of Leningrad

The famous photo depicting a group of children – young defenders of Leningrad from the Suvorov Military School at the Palace Square.

Defenders of Leningrad from left to right: a graduate of the 14th Guards Rifle Brigade and the 20th automobile spare frontline regiment of the Leningrad Front – Guards Junior Sergeant Nikolai Koliverdov (1930); Guard Sergeant, who was awarded the medal “For the Defense of Stalingrad” and “For the Defense of Leningrad”, Eugene Bilindinov; Yuri Ivanov – a graduate of the 935 Artillery Regiment 381 th Infantry Division and 919 th Artillery Regiment, 358th Infantry Division; Corporal Athanasius Shkuratov (1930), was awarded two medals “For Courage”, a member of the Victory Parade on Red Square in Moscow in 1945; Yuri Stepenko, who was awarded the medal “Partisan of the Patriotic War” and the medal “For the Defense of Leningrad”.

Photography Location: Leningrad
Time taken: 1944
Author: David Trachtenberg