The most common way of starting your conversation with the person is “Hi, how are you?” BUT this phrase is too boring nowadays. So I wanna tell you about some extra phrases in order to replace “how are you?” to the most used between foreigners.
Let’s get started!
First of all, I must warn you that if you want to be polite, you always have to ask the phrase like “How are you?” after Hi or Hey. So it’s a normal start for conversation.
Secondly, you do not need to describe all your day and tell why you have a bad or nice mood after the question “How are you?” The most common answer is “GOOD, thanks”, “GREAT”, or “PERFECT”. That’s only a few the best answers, and we will also talk about them a little bit later.
Let’s move to our main theme of the article.
As for Americans, they usually use “Hey, how is it going?” in order to start a conversation with somebody. The second great phrase is “Hi, how are you doing?” Do you feel the difference between these two phrases and “How are you?” And the most popular informal question especially between friends is “Hey, what’s up?”
By the way, if you do not have the best mood, the great answer to the question “What’s up?” is “NOTHING” or “NOTHING MUCH”.
Thank you very much for reading this article to the end! I hope you’ve liked it! You can subscribe to this channel and get fresh information in English and about the language as well every single day!
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