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"Alicante, Spain"

The famous Spanish resort of Alicante occupies the Central space between the towns of the Costa Blanca-the true pearl of the Mediterranean. In the heat from June to August, the steam rooms on the beaches of the metropolis is quite crowded, for example, not only foreign tourists, but also the Spaniards themselves love to relax in this space.
Tourist Alicante - a cozy hotel, white yachts, well-maintained embankments and beautiful beaches. Yet, the metropolis has a different side – the classic Spanish streets, ancient facades of dilapidated dwellings and massive strength of the sunset period of the Spanish colonial Empire. If alternate educational trips around Alicante with amusement on his perfect seaside vacation promises to be different and intense.
Promenade Esplanade of Spain, the heart of tourist life in Alicante. There are restaurants, shops and banks. In the evenings, performances are shown in a special concert hall. The street stretches for 500 meters from the city port to a small home square. The bridge of the Esplanade is lined with colored stone, folding in a harmonic pattern. On the sides are thin palm alleys.
The port of Alicante gives a picturesque Marina-a space for mooring yachts, boats, motor boats and other types of ships. Mediterranean cruise ships often anchor here. The Harbor still contains a significant financial meaning, cargo ships periodically come here. In the port, tourists have every chance to book a boat trip on a yacht or arrest a single vessel for rent. Along the port of Alicante stretches a key promenade street-the Spanish Esplanade.
The fortification of Santa Barbara is considered one of the key historical attractions of Alicante. It is located on the top of Benacantil mountain. The building was built in the IX century in the stage of the rule of the Moors over the Iberian Peninsula. Until the XVIII century the Fort had a significant strategic sense and was used for its intended purpose. Until 1963, the strength was in ruins. Subsequently, the repair of her land was not closed to the public.
San Fernando castle is located in the Central part of the metropolis. It was built in the XIX century for this, in order to display the probable aggressive attack of Napoleon Bonaparte's troops. But the French, for example, did not come to Alicante. The castle is surrounded by a colorful Park, perfectly adapted for sports and walking. Subsequently, a long period of desolation strength has been restored and is not closed to all thirsty.
The area of Santa Cruz is a historical part of the metropolis, which was in a conditional distance from the tourist areas at the foot of Benacantil. The old metropolis is made of only a few small streets, on which it is possible to reach the strength of Santa Barbara. Santa Cruz gives a normal city block Spanish provincial town with where peeling walls, delightful flower gardens "put up" on balconies and colorful facades.
The key main square of Luceros in Alicante, where almost all tourist routes start. There are still buses coming from the airport. In the center of Luseros there is a stone fountain of 1930, surrounded by a greenish meadow with palm trees. Around the area there are modern dwellings, offices, commercial buildings and administrative offices. 2 of the Central motorway Alicate begins at Luceros.
The area of Gabriel Miro gives a shady green square, overgrown with subtropical vegetation. Here grow ancient trees with strong trunks, palm trees and flowers. This is a wonderful space in order to hide in the shade from the hot Spanish sun. The square and the square are named after writer Gabriel Miro, who was a citizen of Alicante. About this precedent recalls a memorable granite to the left of the Central fountain.
The Basilica of Santa Maria of the end of the XIV century, located on the territory of the former mosque. The sanctuary was founded in honor of the expulsion of the Moors and the release of this part of Spain from Arab rule. In more recent centuries, the Basilica was rebuilt in the style of Spanish Baroque. Inside the Church is a Golden altar of the XVIII century and an expensive organ of the XVI century. The exterior is decorated by the skilled sculpture of the Immaculate of St. John and the virgin Mary.
The sanctuary is dedicated to the immaculate Nicholas – benefactor Alicante. It was built on the ruins of a mosque in the XVII century. The room is built in a transitional manner from the Renaissance to the Baroque, which is distinguished by restraint of building forms. The temple is crowned with an impressive 45-meter dome, marble dominates in the interior. Of particular interest is the spiritual altar of the XVI century, designed by master N. Borras. In the temple are saved the power of the Immaculate Francis Javier, Felicity and Roch.
A large archaeological Museum, which owns an impressive collection of 81 thousand copies. A tremendous number of exhibits were found and collected on the lands of the area of the Costa Blanca. The archaeological Museum of Alicante ranks among the largest collections in Spain. Exhibition halls are equipped with advanced equipment, as a result of this, guests have the chance to watch video clips or listen to short lectures about a particular historical period.
Museum "Volvo Ocean Race" - the original round the world regatta, which starts in Alicante and lasts a number of months. It has been here since 2005. In 2012, the Museum dedicated to this event was not closed, which is considered to be one in its own family. Thanks to interactive technologies, guests will be able to feel themselves members of a huge swimming, and even more to recognize the features of the ecosystems of the seas and oceans.
The Museum of advanced art has an impressive collection of true "mastodons" of advanced art. Here is the work of Miro, Picasso, Chagall, Kandinsky, Araceli and Gonzales. The Museum is located in an ancient 17th-century building. His situation started in 1978, when The local abstract artist E. Semper gave the town its own collection of paintings. The works of Sempre occupy a separate floor of the Museum.
The Museum of beautiful arts in the castle of Gravina is located in the castle of the XVIII century. The Museum was opened in 2001, after an absolute repair of a number of dilapidated buildings. The Museum collection gives a collection of paintings of the designers and architects of Alicante and of the circles created in step XVI-XX centuries There are works by H. Agresta, L. Casanova, A. Gisbert, F. Cabrera and other artists. The Museum has a program with the help of young talents.
The key Bazaar of Alicante, located in a building that occupies the entire city block. Trading rows are placed on 2 floors – one sells beef of all likely shapes and forms, on another are placed countless counters with seafood, fish, vegetables and fruit. The market still has a huge Department with wines, cheeses, olives, spices, nuts and various delicacies.
The city hall was built in the XVIII century according to the plan of V. Soler in the Spanish Baroque style. The construction of the work lasted within 90 years. On the square in front of the city hall there is a system of fountains, whose streamers hit straight from the pavement, which actually leads to the admiration of children and district dogs. Public holidays are often held within the city hall. In the hall of the building is a statue of the Immaculate John, designed by Salvador Dali.
The premises of the Carbonel was built in the 20s of the XX century in a popular at that time modern style with neo-Baroque substances. Now it is one of the most colorful in Alicante. The house was designed by designer H. B. Ramos for E. Carbonel-a textile industrialist who was based in Alicante. The pompous structure was built on the space of a long-standing city market near the Palace hotel.
The ship "Holy Trinity" is located on the endless Parking lot in the port of the metropolis. It gives a copy of a real Galleon of the XVIII century, which was built in Cuba. The ship took on a role in many battles, in that amount in the famous Trafalgar battle. Subsequently, this devastating battle "Holy Trinity" sank off the coast of Cadiz in 1805. The ship was built in the 2000s On Board placed restaurant, bar, nightclub and Museum.
The island of Tabarca is located near the Costa Blanca, it is home to a number of 10 people employed in the tourism industry. The Peninsula is mentioned in documents of the XVIII century in connection with the seizure of its land by the Tunisian army. There are a number of old churches and cottages on the Tabarka. For tourists are not closed countless restaurants offering a tremendous variety of seafood dishes.
Postiguet beach is in the resort area of Alicante. Thanks to the colorful surroundings, snow-white sand and clean water, it received an elite signal of the "Blue flag"property. Comprehend is the best city beach, there are countless cafes, playgrounds and rental equipment for Aqua sports. The beach is quite close to the historical part of Alicante.
Bonfires of the immaculate Saint John the Baptist is a Spanish festival that is celebrated any summer 18 - 29 June. It is dedicated to the day of the Immaculate John the Baptist. large-scale celebrations take place on the land of Alicante. All week on the streets are arranged colorful processions, parades and a competition of big figures, fireworks are launched, people burn effigies and jump through the fire. Some of the habits of this fun are identical to the Slavic day of the summer solstice.
P.S. Traditional dish and drink which I advise to try:
Paella (paella) is a culinary perfection. Various types of rice are used for its preparation, from traditional solid white varieties to black. In coastal areas, paella is more often prepared with fish or seafood, for example, in Benidorm is a common option with fried anchovies and spinach.
Inimitable white wine Alicante made mainly from Moscatel of Alexandria (Muscat of Alexandria and Moscatel) grown in the region under the name "Marina Alta" (the coast to the North from Calpe. By the way, there is a white wine of the same name, very worthy). These wines have a pale transparent color, a thin white aroma of Jasmine, orange flowers, white Lily, light taste.
In addition, common white wines other white grapes - Merseguera, Chardonnay, Sauvignon Blanc... all of them are fresh, with fruit flavors.
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