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"Munich, Germany"

City in Bavaria metropolis Munich is not inferior in popularity among tourists to Berlin and Cologne. There is not only concentrated a large number of construction sites, but also there are tempting and interesting actions, among which the Central space belongs to the immortal celebration of Oktoberfest beer. Apart from this, since 1875 there is a large European Opera festival.
Walk through the elegantly beautifully decorated city squares and draw in the atmosphere of Christmas, visit the huge Bavarian castles and rush to the RAID on the old German restaurants – all this can arrange a traveler who will go to Munich. Apart from this, the city is considered quite prosperous and prosperous metropolis. It is an impeccable space for high quality shopping.
Marienplatz is the Central square of Munich, where every tourist route inevitably leads. In the middle ages there were medieval tournaments and worked fish market. Marienplatz has become a key area since the stage of the cause of the metropolis. There are more important places of interest, famous restaurants, shops, a grocery market. On the square every time lively and quite crowded.
Fresh town hall in neo-Gothic style in Marienplatz. The town hall was built in the 2 half of XIX – early XX centuries., but it seems that it is already a number of hundreds of years. In 1874 Staronikolskoe here from the town Hall moved the City Council. For this in order to free up space for construction, about 30 residential dwellings of urban residents were demolished. The town hall is crowned by an 85-meter tower with a spire, the facade is decorated with figures of popular and important for the German situation personalities.
The old town hall, much more unpresentable and ancient building than the Fresh town Hall. 1st mention of it can be seen in the sources of the XIV century, however, is actually that it was built in the XV century. The dominant style of construction is Gothic, with the addition of more late building components of the Renaissance. At the moment, in the Old town Hall is a toy Museum. As a result of bombing of 2 universal war the room was injured, and on a key tower it was possible to enter a fresh spire.
The Palace ensemble, including Schloss Nymphenburg, which was founded in the 2nd half of the XVII century. It was used as the residence of the ancient Bavarian Wittelsbach dynasty. The Park surrounding the Palace stroitelstve.stroim, spread over an area of 200 Hectares. The grandeur and beauty interior exterior, BMW has the ability to compete with the famous "fairytale" castle Neuswanstein. In the part of the castle, closed to tourists, still inhabited by the descendants of Wittelsbach.
Hunting castle Blutenburg XV century, built at the request of Baron Albrecht III. Blutenburg associated with the situation unhappy love Baron. In spite of the will of the founder, he secretly performed a wedding ceremony with a commoner and settled with her in the castle. The founder of the lie lured the offspring of strength, and in his inaccessibility gave the order to throw the poor beloved into the river. Albrecht with the period forgave the founder, and in honor of the innocent ruined girl installed a chapel.
Castle Schleissheim was established by Duke Wilhelm V in the late sixteenth century. During this time it was a small cottage, which the ruler used for privacy. His offspring Maximilian I rebuilt the estate to his own taste and built a Palace out of it. The ensemble comes Shlichim 3 castle, built at different times, and the wide green earth. On painting the exteriors worked Johann Gump, Giovanni Trujillio and Francesco Rosa.
Munich residence is an ensemble of buildings in the Central part of Munich, which is one of the largest In Europe. It was built for 5 centuries and irrevocably completed only in the XIX century. The Munich Residence gives the official residence of the rulers of Bavaria from the Wittelsbach dynasty. It includes: a Museum with more than 100 halls, 10 palaces, an arena and a concert hall.
Church of the blessed virgin Mary (Frauenkirche) - the Catholic Cathedral of Munich with a key tower 99 meters in height. According to the city law it is forbidden to build buildings higher Frauenkirche (this conclusion is temporary, adopted in 2004 in the nationwide vote). On the construction of the Church was in XIV-XV centuries it was Expected, in fact he will accommodate 20 thousand parishioners, but the public of the metropolis in those ages was only 13 thousand people.
The temple Site was initiated at the 2 brothers Practical basics which were designers, architects and artists at the same time. This is one of the few historical attractions, to the release of which did not have a hand dynasty Wittelsbach. The brothers hoped to use the temple as a household chapel, but later at the insistence of the people it was not closed to all thirsty
The temple of the Immaculate Peter is considered one of the most respected and ancient in the metropolis. It appeared in the VIII century in the form of a small wooden monastery on the initiative of the monks of the Tegernsee monastery. In the XI century, the sanctuary was rebuilt in the Romanesque manner. Subsequently, a fire in 1327 was seen in the light of a fresh room in the Gothic style. In subsequent centuries, the temple was rebuilt, expanded, added to the facade of the late Gothic and Rococo.
The key Opera arena in Munich, where one of the most revered musical societies in the world plays, is the Bavarian municipal orchestra. The platform perceives the Munich Opera festival. Every year there are more than 300 performances, the key roles are invited to the main performers. The repertoire includes works by popular German composers and the best masterpieces of major Opera art.
The original German Museum, which demonstrates the merits of German technology and science. The exhibitions are located on 6 tiers aimed at a certain theme: hydraulic engineering, navigation, mining industry, road transport, oil and gas, power machines. The Museum preserves the original standards of technology, the only surviving (that is not destroyed by the claim of the winning countries) later 2-Universal wars.
The Bavarian state Museum is dedicated to the Bavarian situation, culture and ethnic professionalism. Here are collected products from porcelain, wood, silver, fabric and other materials. And important collections of tools,heraldic signs, jewelry. A special pride of the Museum is the collection of Christmas Nativity scenes. The collection is located in a historical building in the Baroque style with a hundred interior spaces, passages and galleries.
Bavaria is the birthplace of the world-famous BMW car. It was here that the first aircraft production plants were located, which after the First world war were re-qualified into automobile ones. So there was a recognizable brand. In the Museum you can see the company's products from the very Foundation. There are many interesting and rare retro models of the last century.
Dachau memorial Museum is located outside the city limits of Munich, not far from the city of Dachau, in the space of the former concentration camp. Here was gathered for the execution of all undesirables to the Nazi regime people. For 12 years of existence in the camp were destroyed 10 thousand people. The Museum was authorized by the wishes of former prisoners of the camp in 1965. From buildings 2 the universe is not enough actually left, but this space affects naslovima and oppressive atmosphere.
In 1972 Munich took over another summer Olympic games. Since those years the Park (the territory with the Olympic objects) which regional inhabitants use for entertainments and walks remained. Former facilities are operated as sports training facilities, there are still large public and cultural events. Following in the footsteps of labeling, in fact largely thanks to the Games, the metropolis was transformed and became more organized.
Allianz arena Stadium, built for the beginning of the world Cup 2006. It belongs to the Munich club Bayern. Here was the end of the Champions League in 2011/12. Allianz arena is located in the region of the Frettmaning wasteland. The construction is called a true miracle of advanced construction art, at the entrance to the stadium the fans are breathtaking from the appearance of this excellent system.
Oktoberfest - the famous beer festival, where you want to get all fans of beer. 10-Ki manufacturers put their own tents on Oktoberfest, in which a myriad of l. beer is drunk, eaten kilograms of sausages and pork rolls. The festival has been in existence since 1810, in the 2nd century it has become a true emblem of Bavaria and organically fit into cultural customs. The first mug of beer at the opening as usual drinks the head of the Bavarian government.
Beer restaurant hofbräuhaus is one of the oldest beer restaurants, which opened its doors to the first guests in the early XVII century. In the beginning there was a court brewery. In the large halls of the institution at the same time has the opportunity to accommodate up to 4 thousand guests. Hofbräuhaus stands out for its flexible pricing policy, as a result of this try different kinds of excellent beer and enjoy the German cuisine has the opportunity to allow for any traveler.
The Central city Bazaar Viktualienmarkt, an authentic Paradise for connoisseurs of good cuisine and connoisseurs of excellent products. There are approximately 140 retail stores owned by the same families for many years. The market space runs through the legacy. On Viktualienmarkt partake in a host-rich Bayern and tourists, such as the cost of production is quite high. With this product every time remarkable properties
Landscape Park Hofgarten with layout in strict geometric proportions. It was founded at Maximilian I in the early XVII century, but in the Second major war was completely destroyed. The Park is neat and perform returned to the ancient drawings and sketches, with this added components of the British Park art of the XIX century. Hofgarten is a Kingdom of neat alleys, flower beds, manicured lawns and colorful fountains.
The British garden is a well-known between the district inhabitants of the city Park, which is visited every day by thousands of people. Here it is possible to ride a bike and Board in the designated areas, and even order a horse ride or walk elementary pawn. The Park stretches from the center to the Northern part of Munich for 5.5 km.in Summer, countless glades are filled with people — they sunbathe, organize picnics or elementary sleep under the shade of trees.
Munich zoo Hellbrunn is one of the best in Europe. Like almost all modern zoo, it is built on the principle of natural Park, that is, for animals formed circumstances conditions, very close to natural. The bio diversity of Hellabrunn affects-more than 750 species of animals and about 20 thousand individuals. The zoo uses fame, it happens to 1.8 million people every year.
P.S. a Traditional dish and drink that I advise you to try:
Pork knuckle "Schweinehaxe" (Schweinehaxe) – a classic of Bavarian cuisine. Pork leg baked to a crisp. The dish is served with a knife stuck in the wheel-this is a tradition. Garnish cooked large potato dumplings — Knodel, absorbing the amazing meat juices.
Altbier (Alt, Düsseldorfer Alt) - traditional German Ales transparent copper color, clear with a creamy taste with a beer cap. The best altbier brewed in düsseldorf. The fortress of 4.7-4.9 per cent. Examples: Frankenheim, Diebels.
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