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Grimm Piligrim

Невероятно красивые фотографии женщин 19-ого века

Фотографии молодых женщин 19-го века из Библиотеки Конгресса США, раскрашенные художником Робом ван ден Бергом.

Allie Danish
Allie Danish
Campbell, N.
Campbell, N.
Cunningham, M.
Cunningham, M.
Edmonds, Evelyn
Edmonds, Evelyn
Edna Crawford
Edna Crawford
Ethel Cost
Ethel Cost
Ethel Ingham
Ethel Ingham
 Lena Wilkins
Lena Wilkins
Miss Carrie Shaws
Miss Carrie Shaws
Stewart, Louise
Stewart, Louise
Unidentified woman
Unidentified woman
Wilmarth, Mabel
Wilmarth, Mabel
Van Matre, M.
Van Matre, M.
Francis Bethune
Francis Bethune
Gates, M.S.
Gates, M.S.
Jerome, L.E.
Jerome, L.E.
Mason, Mrs.
Mason, Mrs.
Mason. Mrs
Mason. Mrs
Lottie Brooks
Lottie Brooks
Mira Higdon
Mira Higdon
Miss Allen
Miss Allen
Mrs. H. Dean
Mrs. H. Dean
Tate, Miss M.C.
Tate, Miss M.C.
Tate, Miss M.C.
Tate, Miss M.C.
 Woman model in profile with hand at bosom
Woman model in profile with hand at bosom