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Sex new: 8 tips for a successful first sexual experience


First sex — a unique personal experience. Sex generally is a range of feelings and emotions, from the joyous to the sad. How to make your first experience more comfortable, pleasant and sensual, tell the experts.


1. You don’t have to say that this is the first experience (but can!)

A full report on the sex life few people are interested. You slept with 30 people or with anyone is your business. If you said that all this is for the first time and partner was scared of something, then you’re probably not too necessary to him. A sensitive partner will be treated with respect and care.

2. Security relaxes

Nothing distracts from the process as the fear of getting pregnant or catch an infection. It is very important to discuss with a partner all the nuances before having sex and know you’re protected.

3. Mutual agreement — priceless

You must both agree with what is happening and accept it if not with enthusiasm, in a positive way.

4. Don’t forget to breathe

An important part of enjoying sex is to focus on the sensations in addition to nervousness (which often accompanies the first time you have sex, even if you are completely ready for it). Deep breathing is one way to stop being nervous and start to enjoy the process.

5. Foreplay, foreplay and more foreplay

The stronger the stimulation, the better sex, so don’t avoid foreplay, oral, manual, and, of course, good old-fashioned kissing. During the main action may he not forget the clitoral stimulation.

6. Care the pleasure of a partner is more important than technique

Not so important how well you “perform” for the first time as your mutual respect and concern that a partner received his share of fun. You can and should ask during and after the the questions “What did you like?” and “What else would you like?”.

7. Take lubricant

This is a useful thing, and for the first, and one hundred for the first time. And no, grease does not happen much.

8. Diminish expectations

TV and movie sex sometimes praise too much as to what he really is. Like, this incredible, breathtaking action — and certainly with a simultaneous orgasm. Do not expect this. At least the first time. Sex improves with practice and study! Read more....