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Obvious and not always approx: 15 facts about sex that you should know from an early age

Many young explorers sex tops think you know about him everything. But no! Surely you’ll find here a couple of unexpected points.

1. He’s not always good.
Trust me, you’re not the only woman in the world who’s had boring sex. It is difficult to find a person who did not have such experience (although some men claim it).

2. Don’t suffer that you don’t have anyone right now.
When you are about twenty, people can assert themselves at your expense: they say, there is no guy — then there is something wrong with you. Don’t give in to this provocation!

3. Your sex should not be ” as with pictures of the»
It’s okay if it is not accompanied by melodious moaning and drops of artificial glycerine sweat: real sex should not look like in a porn film.

4. You may not want to have sex at all.
And that’s okay! Most people in their youth love it, but no one makes you. Live for yourself and watch out for (joke) just the fact that attraction one day would come back again to bother you.

5. The infection can pick up any
If your company you first have an accident, don’t think life is over. After a year, most friends will have a similar problem (and will be, until people learn to monitor the health).

6. If you have a strange attitude to sex, take a break
For example, you realize that sex is only needed to create a life drama or because you hate yourself or work. Take a step back, exhale and exclude him from his life for a while.

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