Simuran is a big wolf or dog with wings it's one of the most positive creatures of Slavic mythology. According to legend, first Simuran was a dog that saved people from the wrath of The Storm God. God for his courage. God brought the dog closer to himself and gave wings to it. In this legend Simurans bring good luck, and a good harvest to people also simurans accompany the souls of people on the bridge to heaven.
KasperZ3R0 - FD Full Body - by Silvixen
Legendary Simurans was more bigger than eagle even bigger then the famous Sakkaremic golden eagles that used by hunters for haunting the wolves. From a distance the celestial flyers resembled large, lean dogs, provided with broad webbed wings..
"Wolfhound: The Right for a Fight" by Maria Semyonova
Legend of Simuran
Grandmother told a little grandson that the first Simuran was just a dog. A glorious dog faithfully guarded the fields and productive vegetable gardens, it loud barking in the forest to deer and wild boar that eager for cabbage and turnips. One misfortune: the faithful guardian haven't seen of other awards from people, except for abuse and angry kicks. Always shaggy was under feet, it stick it sweet nose in places where doesn't belong not to the time, it smells like dog.
Unce upon a time in the spring an silly tribe create a self-fulfilling prophecy.. So, in that old year, young men, who were supposed to stay away from the gardens, nevertheless crept up to admire the beauty of women.
The fair Storm God was angry to them and start create storm cloud over guilty heads.. and yet, at first, he didn't give free rein to his wrath, he kept a gold punishing axe. But when guys began to gaggle, and chase the girls, and start their dirty games.. and then God could not stand. A terrible thunder began, monstrous whirlwind moved through the fields and meadows. And then the dog said from the forest edge, from the furthest away. The dog ran with a desperate bark to meet God's whirlwind and blocked the road and say "I will not miss! I will not allow to offend the hosts while I'm alive!"
The master of thunder understood that he can't punish silly tribe without destroying the innocent, defeating the sinless defender of the tribe. And the wrathful God stepped back before the boldness of the devoted creature, he was pleased to burn the bushes to the ash with his righteous zipper where dashing men hung their clothes. Men had run in a state of nature in the rain to the village, listen to poisonous reproaches. The dog, who managed to stop God's wrath, was brought closer to God and God gave wings to him and God began to call this dog a Simuran. The Simuran began to fly between Earth and Heaven, began to bring up prayers and requests of worthy people to the bright Irii.. And people believed: if in early spring Simuran wings will fly over the field, there will be a fertile field, a generous measure will respond to caring and affection. Simurans begun accompany the souls of people on the bridge to heaven.
"Legend of Simuran" from the Wolfhound by Maria Semyonova
Simuran by AgroTemp
Ancient deity
It is believed that the Sacred Winged Wolf Simuran is the embodiment of the pagan deity of Ancient Rus - Semargl. Semargl is the keeper of the forest, crops, and roots of trees. He promotes fertility, raises to the sky people's prayers also he accompany the souls of people on the bridge to heaven. He stands for all that is good with a sword of fire at night and through the good will he can fight. Semargl was revered in southern Rus, bordering on the steppe. Semargle was depicted as a "dog-bird" or "winged dog" surrounded by vegetation.
Semargl by Falena-ananke
A little facts
The Simurans have always honored, and will honor the Holy Truth forever. It isn't permissible for anyone to transgress the Holy Truth. Simuran is obliged to show that he knows this so perfect that no one doubted on the day of initiation.
"Wolfhound" by Maria Semyonova
Rite of Initiation is one of the most beautiful ceremonies of the Simurans. On this day, a young, still unfulfilled Simuran, is taken into a general flock, and he becomes a warrior.
"Wolfhound" by Maria Semyonova
Jumping to unknown by UniQuest
Every Simuran must know that is going on in his flock. Though they can exchange thoughts, but normal speech, transfers the event much better than unfeeling thoughts. Some Simurans can see a future, they don't rush to share their knowledge, with the whole folk, they share secrets only with the Leader of the folk. But even the Leader can't ask about all secrets.
"Wolfhound" by Maria Semyonova
Simurans respect family ties and honor ties with their ancestors. They never forgot names, even the names of their distant relative. Because if you'll get into trouble who can help you except your family?
"Wolfhound" by Maria Semyonova
All groups of simurans invariably different from each other, but not by their color or common thoughts, but different by perception of this World. And all groups have a Leader.
"Wolfhound" by Maria Semyonova
The text was translated by Drew Dru specifically for the channel Fantasy & sci-fi, art channel