My page on Instagram english_finerpoints
How do you usually spend your weekend?
We always GO OUT (куда-нибудь ходить).
I never cook too much as we prefer to EAT OUT (питаться вне дома, в ресторане и тп).
Yesterday evening my husband ASKED me OUT (пригласить на свидание) to dinner.
It’s always a great occasion (повод) to PUT ON (надеть) my shiny black dress, as I like to DRESS UP (наряжаться).
We CAME ACROSS (случайно встретить) our old friends in the restaurant. They were happy to JOIN IN (присоединиться).
We FILLED our glasses UP (наполнить бокалы) and enjoyed the evening chatting and laughing a lot.
🔹go out = leave home to go on a social event;
🔹eat out = eat in a restaurant;
🔹ask out = invite on a date;
🔹put on = start wearing something;
🔹dress up = put on beautiful or more official clothes;
🔹come across = find or meet unexpectedly;
🔹join in = take part in some activity;
🔹fill up = fill to the top