While Barry Allen is dealing with being framed, The Flash will see a surprising character gain superpowers: Cecile. The midseason finale of The Flash ended with one of the biggest cliffhangers yet as The Thinker’s long-con led to the arrest of Barry Allen for the murder of Clifford Devoe. Of course, the villain’s mind is still alive and well in another body, but even in Central City that will be a tough defense in court. What’s more, the star of Human Target is coming to The Flash as a famed DC prosecutor for the big trial.
The midseason premiere trailer for The Flash that arrived yesterday shows the team will have some novel ideas for getting Barry off the hook, including revealing his identity to the world. The idea might not be so bad, however, given how much of an open secret that already is. In the meantime, though, Team Flash will be struggling without Barry and the synopsis for an upcoming episode teases all kinds of mayhem.
The CW released the synopsis for ‘Honey, I Shrunk Team Flash,’ the upcoming 12th episode of season 4. While we get a tease of where Barry might end up, Cecile, Ralph, and Cisco will have some issues of their own.
THE INCREDIBLE SHRINKING MEN — A meta who can shrink anything he touches battles Team Flash. Cisco (Carlos Valdes) and Ralph (guest star Hartley Sawyer) get caught in his crossfire and are shrunk to miniature versions of themselves. Cecile (guest star Danielle Nicolet) realizes her pregnancy has caused her to have temporary powers and discovers she can hear other people’s thoughts, which unnerves Joe (Jesse L. Martin). Meanwhile, Barry (Grant Gustin) meets someone with a mysterious connection to Henry Allen. Chris Peppe directed the episode written by Sam Chalsen & Judalina Neira.
There’s a lot to unpack in this description, but Cecile getting psychic powers is definitely the big one. While the plot device looks like it will lead to some comedy between her and Joe, the fact that Cecile’s pregnancy triggers metahuman powers is quite the development. Perhaps exposure to the original Particle Accelerator explosion altered Cecile and/or Joe in some way and they’ve passed latent meta genes to their offspring. The implications of this, naturally, could lead to a future generation of metahumans in the Arrowverse.
The appearance of a meta who shrinks Cisco and Ralph should be more fun than consequential, especially given the pair don’t exactly get along. But the tidbit about Barry meeting someone who knew his father may mean the Fastest Man Alive ends up in Iron Heights. It’s there that Henry Allen spent much of Barry’s life, so anyone who he knew him (and who Barry would encounter) is likely locked up themselves. With the rest of the team stretched thin, however, The Flash may need help from the future if he’s going to get free.