It is known that the temporal neural connections that are formed in the cerebral cortex can persist for many years and decades. In case of their reinforcement from time to time or renewal, these links are preserved forever.
A little about the structure of memory
The simplest test for memory: close your eyes and tell you what is in the room. Or tell a poem.
All these are different cases of reproduction of one or another information, restoration, detection of previously formed temporal neural connections.
In carrying out the work of memory, multiple structures of the brain are involved, which have a strict organization and regularities. In the processes of short-term memory or memory for current events, activity of consciousness and attention, subcortical structures (basal sections, medulla oblongata and trunk) participate. And in the processes of visual, auditory, musical, tactile, motor memory, the cortical parts of both hemispheres of the brain take part. This is an extensive occipital and lower-stratified region, temporal and part of the frontal sections.
Equally important are the mediobasal and prefrontal forehead departments, which are responsible for the regulation of mental activity and control over its course. They are responsible for the conscious organization of memory, its meaning-making component, verbal-logical form and arbitrariness. The intersection of the temporal, lower parietal and occipital regions (TPO zone) is responsible for the spatial organization of mnestic traces, the creation of connecting visual images and representations, the creation of semantic concepts (long-term memory).
During the deliberate memorization, the beginning of work takes place in the frontal sections, after the organization of the mnestic traces in the SRW zone (here the formation of multiple neuronal connections takes place) and further the frontal sections participate again in the reproduction processes. So there is a horizontal organization at the physiological level. It is also necessary to take into account the vertical organization: participation of subcortical structures in connections with the bark of the cerebral hemispheres.
Combating forgetting
Far from all of what we once remember (intentionally or not), remains forever in our memory. We forget a lot, because of what we often become not successful, especially in our profession.
Forgetting is a long process that develops gradually.
And for a successful fight against it, you must take into account the following provisions:
The main means of struggle is the repetition of the studied material. Any knowledge that is not supported by repetitions is gradually forgotten.
It is not necessary to repeat the learned when it has already been forgotten, but at a time when forgetting has not yet begun.
When going from memorizing material to memorizing another, you should always take a short break (5-10 minutes), giving yourself at this time complete rest from any mental work.
Systematicity is necessary, it is necessary to organize your studies so that the memorized materials are for less similar subjects. It is necessary to differentiate, so that the same subjects do not overlap each other, so that there are no difficulties in remembering specific images.
Especially important for you, a responsible and difficult material is useful to resume in memory just before sleep: it is the dream that gives the most favorable conditions for fixing the results of memorization.
Education of memory for professionals
Everyone would like to have a better memory. This is quite natural desire, but for its implementation it is necessary to give yourself a clear account of what a good memory is. The presence of an exceptionally strong ability for mechanical memorization is not in itself a very valuable property. Psychological analysis shows that in the biographies of many outstanding people, their remarkable memory is noted, and it's not a matter of the abilities of mechanical memorization, but the exclusive development of semantic memorization. What determines its development?
What is directed at a person's psychic life, what are her interests. Semantic memorization is characterized by the fact that a person remembers the essential and necessary information for him, what he is interested in. The wider, more varied and more informative the interests of a person, the richer and more meaningful will be the "reserves" of his memory. The memory of a person depends on what he is interested in.
The development of memory directly depends on the mental development of man. He who has a large and versatile knowledge, will easily find many semantic links for the new material that he needs to remember. The more knowledge a person has, the better becomes his memory in the relevant areas.
Systematic, organized in memorization is the most important condition in the development of memory. It is necessary to strive for a system of knowledge, rather than a simple accumulation of facts.
There are a number of ways that can be the methods of daily training, allowing to strengthen and develop the work of memory. Most of them are applicable in everyday life and meet the problems of the requests of various specialists.
For designers and developers, it will be useful to develop visual images and representations that organize the memory function. For this you can perform an easy exercise. Exclude from use one or more cognitive feelings for a while. Try eating with a blindfold, take a shower with your eyes closed or plug your ears during routine tasks.
Such an exception will not only contribute to the development of other cognitive functions and the consolidation of already created working neural connections, but also to the formation of the imagery of what is happening. The construction of logic between these images - this will favorably affect the development of visual-figurative thinking.
An excellent method will be the equal development of the functions of both hands.
That is, use your non-leading hand in various activities. For example: brush your teeth in the morning, comb your hair or use a computer mouse. Try to write a small text with both hands simultaneously or swap the knife and fork during meals. This method promotes the development of neural connections in new areas and activation of the brain.
As Gary Spall assures: "shopping is an excellent training for memory", shopping, a person interacts with new people, pays attention to their faces, constantly activates the function of attention, calculates prices. Performs all those actions that make the different regions of the brain work, and they follow each other.
For analysts and marketers, the ability of system thinking and the system organization of its memory will be useful. For this, it is necessary to train observation. For example, throughout the day, pay attention only to the green color or the car of a certain model from the general flow, come up with a theme and focus on it. Thus, you will develop certain properties of the attention and memory function: concentration, selectivity, distribution, switching, short-term memorization.
Read and write as much as possible.
After you have read or learned something, try to write it down at least once. One time to write is how to double-read and organize everything in your head.
Do the material intended for memorization in an accessible and convenient format for you. If it is easier for you to memorize with the help of visual memory, then organize the necessary material in a graphic form.
The system organization of all the information you are trying to memorize is important. Write down the necessary facts and establish a semantic connection between them, remembering which you will see the whole picture.
In addition to the methods for developing and strengthening the memory function, there are developmental programs on cognitive games-simulators. They represent a scientifically grounded combination of certain developmental tasks presented in a game form, arranged in a logical sequence, taking into account neuropsychological regularities, increasing the level of complexity and individual characteristics of users.
Translated: Dinara Zakirova
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