Разгадайте ключевое слово, отгадав слова по горизонтали. Ответы на кроссворд и произношение слов в конце. А сколько слов вы отгадали?
1) Rest and take it easy
2) Opponent in a battle
3) It's heard
4) Book cover text
5) Rage, fury / One of the emotions in Pixar's "Inside Out"
6) Your aunt's husband
7) Mississippi or Thames
9) Time of dark
10) In need of sleep or rest
Place to go for a meal
Relax - расслабляться, отдыхать
Enemy - враг
Sound - звук
Title - название
Anger - гнев
Uncle - дядя
River - река
Apple - яблоко
Night - ночь
Tired - уставший
Restaurant - ресторан
Okay. Let's everybody just relax. ~ Seinfeld
Elaine, Newman is my sworn enemy...
~ Seinfeld
That sound again. ~ Seinfeld
...please enter the first three letters of the movie title now. ~ Seinfeld
Great idea. Anger, Fear, Disgust, how are we supposed to be happy? ~ Inside Out
Uncle Leo? ~ Seinfeld
-What is that smell?
-That's East River. ~ Seinfeld
-Mr. Peterman?
-No apples. ~ Seinfeld
- You had dinner with the Seinfelds?
- Yeah, last night. ~ Seinfeld
But I'm tired. ~ Seinfeld
Well, I just came back from Mickey Mantle's restaurant. ~ Seinfeld