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Как подготовиться к READING?

Всем студентам и учащимся рано или поздно приходится сдавать разного рода тесты, будь то ЕГЭ, ОГЭ, FCE и другие российские и международные экзамены.

Самым объемным разделом заданий является Reading. Оно может состоять из нескольких частей:

1) сопоставление отрывка текста и заголовка;

2) заполнение пропусков частями предложений;

3) выбор варианта ответа, наиболее подходящего к тексту;

4) задание на True/False (верное или неверное утверждение).

Иногда, как например, в экзамене FCE, 2 задания относятся к одному и тому же тексту – задание на True/False и сопоставление «текст-заголовок».


Итак, давайте разберем, как можно безошибочно определить правильный вариант ответа. На самом деле всё гениальное просто…

Во-первых, количество утверждений соответствует количеству параграфов в тексте, а сами утверждения следуют в хронологической последовательности, т.е. 1-е утверждение относится к 1-му параграфу и т.д.

От вас лишь требуется найти в этом параграфе предложение (и лучше выделить его, чтобы не потерять), которое опровергнет или подтвердит утверждение. Это предложение может повторять содержание утверждения с помощью слов-синонимов или перефразирования (True), или быть антонимично ему (False).


Paragraph 0

Whether it is a documentary or a work of fiction, the film-maker must have a clear idea of what the film is trying to say and who the audience might be. In the case of short films by first-time directors, this is almost inevitably a television audience. Film-making is an extremely expensive business. Even a short film of 10-15 minutes can cost £35,000-£80,000 to make. A ‘low-budget’ lenght film can cost more than £0.5 million. Therefore, the film-maker must be sure that the theme of the film will attract an audience.

Paragraph 1

Unlike the Hollywood system, where a studio or producer commissions the scriptwriter, low-budget films in Britain usually begin with a script, which is like a play written specially for the cinema. Various organizations look at this and consider whether to provide funding. Screenplay writing is an art and there are courses all over Britain for people who want to learn to do it.

Paragraph 2

Film making is a co-operative process that often involves hundreds of people. Unlike a novel or a painting, one person cannot really take the credit for a finished film, although the director and leading actors often get most of the media attention. A film-maker has to show that he or she is able to put together a crew of technicians and actors a sets and locations.

Paragraph 3

Even on a low-budget film, a lot of money is involved and directors usually form their own company. Some people choose to set themselves up as a charity if they are catering for a specialist audience or allowing the local community access to their equipment. The advantage is that they don't have to pay tax lo the government.

Paragraph 4

There are several organizations which provide financial support for young directors. The British Film Institute gives funding of up to £35,000 for short films by first-time directors. The BBC and Channel 4 each have over £400,000 to spend on encouraging Independent film-making. The National Lottery also provides finance to cover up to 50% of the total cost and there are various specialist funds that can help financially.

Paragraph 5

After the money has been raised filming does not begin immediately: the film-maker plans the shoot down to the last detail. Storyboards, which are a series of drawings, map out the whole film, scene by scene, as it comes in the story. The scenery has to be built, technicians have to be hired, and actors found for the different roles.

Paragraph 6

Many people that you do not see in the film play a vital role. The director, camera operator and sound recordist are obviously important. But so is the continuity person who keeps a detailed note of each scene and checks the clothes and hairstyles of the actors so they are consistent throughout the film. It is another person's job to mark the beginning of each shot by writing the number on a board and snapping it shut as filming begins. Without the unseen experts, no film could reach the screen!

Подчёркнутые фразы позволяют определиться с ответами:

0 – False

1 – True

2 – True

3 – False

4 – True

5 – False

6 – True

Во-вторых, эти же самые предложения помогут нам правильно подобрать заголовки к параграфам. Напомню, что в этом задании один заголовок – ЛИШНИЙ.


0 – H (idea of the film)

1 – G (films … begin with)

2 – A (to put together a crew)

3 – D (directors form their own company)

4 – B (provide financial support for young directors)

5 – F (перечисляются шаги подготовки к съемам)

6 – E (many people that you do not see)

На этом наша миссия выполнена! Желаю дальнейших успехов!

Примеры заданий: Stanton Alan, Stephens M. Fast Track to FCE. Coursebook.