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Практическое задание по TOEFL Listening "Pain management"!

Pain management
Pain management

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NB! Задания, в которых требуется заполнить пробелы недостающими словами, очень хорошо тренируют навыки аудирования. Посредством таких упражнений мозг учиться выделять отдельные слова из речевого потока, а следовательно и четче воспринимать речь!

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There’ve been________influential studies in pain management. Some of the most interesting of these study endorphins, the body's own natural________. For example, we now know that exercise stimulates the production of endorphins. Lack of exercise, on the other hand, not only shuts down endorphin production, but can also________to muscle deterioration. This is why you see a lot of pain specialists prescribing exercise for________with chronic pain.
Another interesting area involves the________of the placebo effect. We've known for some time that a ____pill or other inactive placebo can sometimes make a sick person feel better. Somehow, the power of suggestion ... or faith in the doctor, or the drug ... will start a________of healing.

Delta's Key to the Next Generation TOEFL Test by Nancy Gallagher

Ответьте на вопрос!

What is the lecture mainly about?

1. Research in pain management

2. The benefits of exercise

3. Why people have faith in doctors

4. The chemistry of the human brain

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