The mechanics are not as capricious as the "machine", but also requires proper handling. That in the manner of driving the driver will systematically and purposefully kill the manual transmission?
1. The rookie mistake of drivers who get behind the wheel in uncomfortable shoes does not fully pressed the clutch. Once hearing this nasty grinding sound box when you are changing gear, nedugov grip, you will not want to hear this again.
The rule is: first pedal to the floor, then the switch lever. The hand should not be ahead of the action of the legs. The consequences of such antics can be dire, up to breakage of parts of the gear.
2. Switching on the gears "through one". For the mechanism will be disastrous if you do not learn to switch gears correctly. They should be included in order: first the first, then the second, the third venture, etc.
Switching from the first to the third, or even worse – the fourth, you will not only give an additional load on the engine, but also on the gearbox. The same applies to lowering the speed.
To switch to the first from the third, you need to reduce the speed as much as possible, rather than trying to "stick" the transmission while the car is still moving too fast.
3. Repair the handbrake and use it. This is a very common mistake: turn on the transmission when Parking with the engine muffled, instead of putting on the handbrake. For the mechanism of such a voltage will not pass without a trace, over time it will begin to wear out and give failures.
4. Before turning on the rear speed, stop completely. Haste some drivers forces them to make twice the effort to the transmission. The same applies to the reverse gear: first, press the brake to a complete stop, then switch the speed to the first gear.
5. Some drivers have a hand on the gear lever all the time. First, it is bad from a security point of view. To steer with one hand – not easy. Second, although minimal, and the pressure from the weight of your hand, the box feels. Over time, this can also respond to problems.