Hello! I hope you agree that it is better to be healthy and rich than poor and sick. Of course, "Take care of health when young!" And it would be better to read this article (or at least adapted to digest or interpret), immediately after you learned to read and write ... But not everything is lost! Perhaps in something I am wrong, something is not fully explained, but in general, my ideas are tested and confirmed by practice! Besides, I tried to apply a scientific approach. Yes, and I ask you not to confuse the form with the content!
The fact that you need to get up early, do exercises right away, be hardened, do not drink, do not smoke, and ditch half the life and a lot of money for a healthy life style - lies!!! Well, not one hundred percent, but for the most part! And the fact that everything good in life is either harmful, or immoral, or leads to obesity – is also partly a lie!
How to live healthy for a long time, and not particularly limiting myself, I decided to sort it out as a child and finally figured it out! Education I received was technical, though, and medical knowledge did not shun. Therefore, traditional medical practice, which says that "this usually helps", did not suit me. I needed to know exactly what, why, and how much. And how much, and that "it" will spoil. In general, I was not interested in the disease in isolation, but in the body as a single system, and how this system "steer". Yes, so "steer" to the pleasure, but not "gouge"!
I studied, including post-graduate studies, at the faculty of automatic control systems in Moscow Aviation Institute. Consequently, my approach to the body, as to an automatic self-regulating system becomes clear.
Doctors are known to share in the specialties, and each doctor treats its own, and the rest, as it happens. No, in general, they are wonderful people! Even, sometimes, heroic! The perfection of resuscitators, traumatologists and surgeons is amazing! Yes, and therapists, in acute cases, help divinely! But, when something starts to mope slowly, and then, over time, the body begins to creep at the seams - here "medicine is powerless!" And people, relatives and close people, die not from old age, not from years, but from a pile of "age-old" diseases that modern medicine can treat for big money, individually, and not completely, just to fool the patients! Unfortunately doctors cannot explain why it goes like that or somehow correct this system. More precisely, they do not want to ... Because the healthcare system is not aimed at this, and the pension fund is not a rubber. If everyone is healthy, he will live a long time - it will be "a form of disgrace!"
But, thank God, scientists do not sleep! They examine and publish the results. Just read and compare! And everything becomes clear and simple! Well, relatively simple ... And, in general, no mysticism. Although, I would not say that scientifically unjustified impacts do not exist ...
For the wide application of this technique in medical practice, a principled, strong-willed decision of the country's leader on changing the health care system is needed. In the meantime, let us help ourselves!
It turns out that 2 - 3 kilograms of bacteria of fungi and viruses live in the adult body. (In children, the percentage of "residents" to the mass of the body is about the same.) There are, in general, ten times more than the cells of our body. And if, at least, a small part of this wealth perishes, then it threatens us, at least, with illness, and even death! In addition, in a "sterile" urban environment, over time, these "residents" degenerate, like strawberries in the garden. Hence the allergy and many sores. So, for a start, long live reasonable sanitation and antihygiene! Periodically, somewhere in an environmentally safe village. Long live not boiled milk from a proven cow or goat! Long live not washed, straight from the bush, vegetables and fruits and greens! (If there were no helminth in the neighborhood.)
Of course, from pathogenic bacteria, fungi, viruses and, especially, parasites, it is better to take care!!! But there is almost no microflora in the "store" products. For example, in biocream with remarkable bifidobacteria. They are wonderful because they quickly kill all harmful microorganisms in the digestive tract and they do not multiply themselves in the body. Everything seems to be good! If you have a digestive disorder or a dysbacteriosis, then when taken for several days - the effect is wonderful! The result will be good if you stop to take bifidobacteria. It seems that everything is fine - we must continue! However, after a month of regular admission your own microflora will degrade because of its inactivity.You will have to take them all the time ! Traditional, healthy, full-fledged and varied food is recommended. It is desirable, not less than for a month. (Why for a month I'll explain further.) And do not, over the rest of the time, abuse some newfangled shit in the literal and figurative sense. I'm talking about microbiological fecal drugs and voluntaristic diets that do not have serious medical evidence and justification, and medically unjustified vegetarianism. According to the physiology and structure of the body, a predator has adapted to vegetarian food additions, and animal components are mandatory in the diet (it should be noted that different peoples have different average lengths of the intestine to body length and, accordingly, a different balance of fitness for plant and animal nutrition). And also, I'm talking about food, far from natural and traditional. Even, it would seem, in traditional sour-milk products of factory production - everything seems to be fine! But again, the microflora is specially deduced - for taste, appearance and consistency, and not for work in your intestine! You understand that the milk, which has got into your body, with the help of your microflora, does not turn into a wonderful cottage cheese or mature cheese at the output, but into something unappetizing! This is because your body took away most of the nutrients from milk and processed it with no lactic bacteria. In industrially produced dairy products, similar microbiological processes that are inactive in unprocessed whole milk are considered inadmissible for finished products (starter cultures of strictly defined cultures of microorganisms are introduced into sterile milk). In whole, unprocessed milk, lactobacilli bacteria work as a "preservative" for other bacterial species. Even in pasteurized, homogenized whole milk, some of the lactic acid bacteria remain, but the complete set of the original microflora remains far from complete. Low-fat (slightly or substantially) dairy products, as well as normalized milk, are foods devoid of a natural balance of substances and not very suitable for the body. Natural low-fat milk differs in composition from natural fatty diluted (normalized), or partially separated. In my opinion, the advertising of low-fat milk and cottage cheese is an attempt to sell the same milk twice, harming the health of customers. By the way, I'm not at all against cream - a very traditional product. Low-fat milk - return (because it was not used for food, but sent back to the cowshed, calves, instead of water), let it be a component of production in the food industry and cooking, but not an independent product! Serum from fermented milk – perhaps can be used as a soft drink. Traditional milk processing of raw milk, such as curdled milk, matzoni, ayran, tan, koumiss, cottage cheese and butter, has been tested for centuries, and our body has adapted to it in the process of evolution. The consumption, at least occasionally, of raw milk, from animals on natural pastures, or products from it, will significantly complicate the production, delivery and veterinary control, reduce storage period of products, but restore our health.
Do not try to improve the perfect, centuries-verified products. Perhaps the human body will get used, for example, to skim cottage cheese, but after several centuries ... Of course, if there is absolutely nothing, or as an exotic, and skim curd will fit! And about the high calorie content of whole milk products, I will say one thing - "less must be eaten!"
It is also worth remembering that most store products contain preservatives and antibiotics (I hope, in strictly standardized quantities). It's stupid to think that they do not affect our microflora. For example, it is known that in the cesspools of the toilets of Moscow dacha residents there are no longer any spells.
All our mucous membranes and skin are also protected by an appropriate microflora. And every soap with antibiotics, such as triclosan, kills the skin microflora and leaves us defenseless. In general, detergents, except soda, and traditional soap, to put it mildly, are not useful, and they, at least, should not be abused. Some of these items, in my opinion, can sometimes be used. Especially, because of their limited area and volume of impact. For example, a powerful male gel deodorant, a two-day action, kills, with its external antibiotics, the entire microflora developing in the sweat. And the sweat, as a result, does not smell anything. Strangely enough, these gel deodorants also do well with diaper rash and foot fungus. Deodorants that block the secretion of sweat, should not be used. They disrupt the work of the excretory system of the body, an important component of a unified system.
Food should be diverse, full and natural, because part of it is not completely decomposed by the body, and its fragments - molecules, parts of molecules and their combinations come into the body and participate in its work. Food is not always and not completely decomposed by the body to amino acids and other simple constituents before it is absorbed into the body. For example, tea - invigorates. Sour cream and caviar - add masculine in behavior Onions and garlic change the smell of body and breath. Even beetroots change the color of urine. The effect of "scraps" on the body is complex and complementary.
Gene-modified "scraps" can also be used by our body, by the organism of farm animals, bacteria, fungi or viruses as ready-made building blocks, with hardly predictable results ... Viruses, for example, will necessarily perceive and transfer gene modification of cells to future hosts, as transferred by the cell - the current owner, a viral disease or a useful mutation. (most likely, not directly, but through intermediate hosts, for example, through colibacteria and / or yeast) I am absolutely against GMO (Gene-Modified Organisms) in foods or animal feeds. Regardless of dosage and processing, GMOs can take place only in the production of insulin and the like. Science would be good to understand what genomic changes are permissible, and which are not, within the existing system of organisms, and not within the framework of a particular species. Otherwise, the genie released from the test tube, can kill us all, suddenly, but not immediately. Of course, the mechanisms of self-defense against the proliferation of such things also exist in the body, and the genome, in part, is being restored, but radical means-for example, self-destruction of the organism-are not alien to the body. If your body, the body of your children or grandchildren, may suddenly, self-destruct, or blocks the possibility of reproduction, then, I think, you will not be happy ... And the reason for this, is that you, or your neighbor, eat today! That is, GMOs containing products gradually mutilate the human genome of their consuming. And viruses carrying out a parallel genetic transfer will bring these genetic problems even to those who did not eat GMO. Neighbor coughed - and you have a full bouquet of his GMO genomic "gifts." The reverse process, the process of genetic restoration is also in progress but very slowly, besides, genetically modified fragments of a single system of terrestrial organisms are needed for it. So, take care of us all! Therefore, at least part of the food should be full, natural and diverse. Always. Tablets with vitamins and other "utilities" are "crutches" for a serious case. So, fish oil, with all its pluses, should be consumed in fish, for example, in salted fish. Taurine and others - in meat, for example, jerk meat. Vitamin C - in citrus fruits, including zest. Probably, not all vitamins, along with irreplaceable and necessary for an organism substances are defined and described by a science. Therefore, time-tested and diverse food products - are necessary! Vitamins, prebiotics and probiotics - in products! It is not necessary to have much and at once. Little by little, various, but every day. The organism itself will tell. There are systems for self-diagnosis and control of necessary substances. There are products that feed us with energy - this is usually potatoes, flour, rice, meat, fish, vegetables and fruits, etc. Nobody talks about the lack of a number of useful substances and vitamins in this. But, often, there is a certain monotonous basic nutrition and a mass of small various supplements (it is in these supplements that the nutrition is useful!). It is important not to force the body, regularly, with large doses of food chemistry. Doshirak, fast food, semi-finished products, palm oil (for example, as part of dairy products), chemical drinks - use a little and not every day! Just like smoking and alcohol – is not an easy topic. (Although, about alcohol and tobacco there will be a special theme).
Tens of thousands of years, from the time of the appearance of mankind, people ate food from the earth and with the earth. The organism is adapted to such consumption and it is how it renews the microflora. I would like to avoid harmful moments and save useful ones. That is, avoid dangerous concentrations of moderately harmful, recurrent microflora (namely, concentrations that the body "knew the enemy in person" and was ready to fight) and maintain a beneficial microflora, as well as a complete set of local antigens to adjust immunity and protect against allergies. At the same time, it is necessary to protect ourselves from parasites, since we now know what and how! Also, it is necessary to completely avoid epidemic and aggressive infections. If there is a real possibility of infection, all possible precautions, including vaccinations, should be taken.
Now about "getting up early." Life is a set of various stresses for the body - psychological, emotional, physical, thermal, chemical and others. For most citizens, in terms of stress, there is obviously too much! After all, stress forces the body to "give up everything, and concentrate exclusively at it". To give up everything means to stop the work of immunity, stop the planned replacement of cells (aging), do not waste energy on digestion (gastritis, stool disorders, diabetes), redistribute the supply of blood from nutrition and oxygen from all organs to important ones in terms of overcoming this stress. At this time, everything that is used, is destroyed! It is a stress if you have to get up by alarm clock. So, one stress less - it's better!
Now, if we are doing morning exercises – it is a physical stress for the still sleeping body! Yes, the body is ready to work, it stopped to cope with its sores (i.e. it left health problems to themselves).
Hardening is another stress. Plus breeding of cold viruses in the skin. (We'll discuss it a little later.) They force out all the other diseases for a while, but in ten to twenty years they'll kill you! Similarly, if you sleep with an open window "in the open air." Viral toxins come from the lungs in the cold to the blood, create a bad state of health and prevent sleep, and on the cold, the vessels become spasmodic. The supply of toxins decreases. You sleep well, but pulmonary cold is successfully developing, not to mention the possible colds of the extremities!
Breeding viruses in the body - is it good? For your employer - YES! You are efficient. Usually never get sick. No expenses for hospital! Closer to old age, you suddenly die from a heap of various diseases that have arisen, "suddenly and no one knows where from." So, back to the beginning of the day. Sleep well, wake up without an alarm. Lie down until pressure and other functions come back to normal. Take your time slowly. Have breakfast when you want, if you want. Not much and not fast. And it does not matter if you like a piece of meat, and someone likes porridge with nuts or kefir Don`t hurry to get to your office or school. It won`t be hard to work all day. Lunch without fuss. Abundance - to the best of physical exertion. At the end of the day there will be no exhaustion and fatigue. Do not take extra work and stay overtime, even if you are not tired. Every day you will manage to do a lot, just because you are not tired. Do not "drive!" Do not arrange competition from the trip home. At home you will have time to do everything easily and quickly. Because you are not tired. Have dinner at any time convenient for you, but preferably before bedtime. For children and healthy people. If your sleep on a full stomach is bad, then the body needs treatment. (This will be discussed further.) Any food that you like. When the body is not stressed, it does not require you to eat for future use. Eat slowly until hunger goes out. At dinner, the body closes the daily energy balance. Eating, just because the food remained in the plate, but there is no hunger, is harmful! (Physiologically unjustified for the body, hunger can be associated with poor blood supply to the brain, as will be discussed later.) This diet will help you to maintain a good shape effortlessly. It is good to eat even just before going to bed! Most animals, after eating, go to sleep. In a dream, digestion works great. It sleeps easily after you eat, but do not overeat. And it's easy to fall asleep, so that tomorrow, slowly, wake up! Even after dinner, a good night's sleep!
Why is it important to get enough sleep? Everything is very simple! In the daytime the brain is engaged in the organization of body work and higher nervous activity, and at night, in a dream, the brain "repairs" itself and the body after daytime damage.
Now about the booze. If age allows you (I recommend not earlier than 21 years), as well as religion and health, including absence of pregnancy, its expectation and breastfeeding, and also there is no overcomed drug addiction or alcoholism, then why should you not to allow yourself the pleasure of having a little drink at dinner? But do not forget that alcohol is very high in calories, stimulates appetite, and adjust the amount of dinner from desired to necessary! I do not recommend alcohol to women during pregnancy and feeding, before pregnancy to both, and also when managing transport and any actions that require significant coordination and / or intelligence. From a medical point of view, alcohol is useful, for dinner, at doses, in terms of alcohol, to 0.25 g per kilogram of human weight, and relatively harmless, to 0.5 g per kilogram. From a medical point of view, I recommend cognac or vodka with a snack, after or during a meal. Sharply widens the vessels. (Cognac almost does not give the subsequent narrowing of the vessels.) At the same time immunity is activated, if there is no stress, and there is no search with a dose of alcohol. I, of course, do not mind wine, beer, and if you don`t overdose! I think, despite obvious physiological harm, it is permissible to take single doses of strong alcoholic beverages once to prevent psychological, pain or cold shock. Infrequent and irregular drinking on holidays (not until the "swine condition") - is also normal. It is possible that the desire to drink heavily is associated with a deterioration in the blood supply of some parts of the body, for example, the brain, due to a virus lesion. Alcohol temporarily improves blood supply, dilating blood vessels and increasing blood pressure. I think that the widespread desire to drink hard once a week is due to the physiological need of the body to intensify the fight against virus infection by any available means. At the same time, a possible desire to be constantly drunk is due to the narcotic effect of alcohol, and the realization of this desire is catastrophically harmful to the organism and inevitably leads to death. I am sure that a substantial and regular use of alcohol is a bad practice, and it is better to replace a serious drink with sports, exercise, massage and bath. Probably, this is the way to overcome the pernicious craving for drunkenness.
Alcohol is poorly compatible with sweet, since, from sugar, more precisely from the product of its processing by the body, glucose, alcohol quickly decomposes and causes poisoning by decomposition products. Of course, one or two (not a box!) candy with a liqueur is a pleasure without any harm! For warming in the cold, alcohol is suitable only when warming frozen in warmth, or, if in general, when it is quite warm, but limbs or face freeze. For general warming in frost, alcohol is categorically unacceptable. In this case, only hot non-alcoholic drink and food. It is not recommended to have soft drink immediately after strong alcohol due to a much deeper damage to the mucous membranes. Must have a bite to eat! Better hot and greasy. At high doses and more frequent use, alcohol causes chronic poisoning, replacement of a number of physiologically active substances in the body with alcohol, that is, unbalance of homeostasis, obesity of the heart and liver, immune depression. Simultaneously with moderate consumption of alcohol, it is not bad, in reasonable quantities, at dinner to eat onions, fresh or green, and garlic is also good. These products have a pronounced antiviral and antimicrobial activity.Take them together with food, it is better with oily, so as not to burn the mucous membrane of the stomach. If you decide not to drink alcohol, after a long period of use, due to the expected pregnancy, or simply, for resting the body, then for several days use from 1 to 2 grams of alcohol, a couple of times a day, to compensate for the lack of endogenous alcohol, whose production degraded by excess of what is being taken.
A natural antibiotic and an antiviral drug (other than alcohol) is honey. Because of the irritating effect and, as a result, increased blood circulation, pepper, mustard, horseradish, ginger and wasabi are good. Lemon (or lime) and lemon peel are also interesting, in terms of strengthening immunity. (In the summer, lemonade or mojito from fresh citrus with cool spring water - great!)
Now, important! For normal metabolism, at moderate loads, a minimum of 1.5 to 2 liters of fluid per day, in terms of water (per 100 kg of body weight) is required. The optimal number is twice as large. With heavy loads, even more. One of the factors that causes this is that a number of substances released in the body cannot be concentrated by the kidneys and is excreted in a concentration close to the concentration in the blood plasma. With a decrease in the amount of liquid , the amount of eliminated harmful substances is proportionally reduced. With the accumulation of these substances in the blood, immunity is strongly inhibited. Difficulties in using this amount of water are usually associated with kidney failure. That is, kidney tubes and capillaries, spaserovated by high concentration of viral toxins just do not allow to pass the right amount of water. In this case - beer to help you ( tea with cognac is also good). Alcohol, in useful doses, will expand the tubules, and other substances contained in beer will help . The main thing is that after washing the body with beer, within two - three hours not to stop drinking plenty of soft drinks, such as tea with ginger and honey. This is exceptionally good before the bath. And then, in the bath, the skin and subcutaneous fatty tissue are steamed , the capillaries expand, and the already poisoned blood is entered by a shock dose of viral toxins accumulated in the skin and fat, which not only greatly worsens the state of your body, but is also dangerous for life. Beer and other beverages containing alcohol consumed during or shortly before the bath give a serious strain on the heart, and, therefore, are not recommended. After - please! Also, some immunosuppressants, excretion of which by the kidneys is difficult, can be effectively excreted together with sweat. Therefore, with flu, it is recommended that you properly sweat! Sweating is favoured by honey and raspberry jam.
Someone will say: okay, let there be fungi plus bacteria (for example, kefir), and viruses - then why? Let's start with the main friend and the enemy - a cold virus. It should be noted that this virus has not yet been identified by science.
I suppose that is because of its polymorphism. That is, this virus has several body variants, each of which is similar to its type of cell markers, with relative constancy of the virus-coding part of the viral genome.
When Columbus discovered America, the Indians died from the decease called Spanish, that is, the flu. Because they did not have the immunity to the flu! However, after a couple of years, this disgrace ceased, despite the fact that the conquistadors advanced a hundred and fifty kilometers into the interior of the continent. And, of course, there were no vaccinations! How did the Indian body get genetic information about the new disease? It turns out that the cold virus, like a butterfly pollen, carries in its genome some of the genetic information of the previous owner and, integrating into the genome of the new owner, brings him new genetic information, including the diseases of past owners. (The epic with the infected blankets was only afterwards, as it was pleasant to kill the unfortunate Indians by the infections of the conquistadors.)
So, the cold virus is one of the elements of the genetic transfer (not sequential, as from parents to children)! The most important in the course of viral infections is that they can occur in acute and chronic form. For example, acute myositis. Its shoulder is flipped. The muscle is inflamed and it hurts. In a week or two, it will pass. The cold virus lives in the mucous membranes, in the muscles, in the skin and connective tissue. And all the rest- not very much. Chronic catarrhal disease of the muscles is not fully understood! However everybody understand what chronic rhinitis is. It turns out that chronic colds of the muscles is the main factor that affects health and longevity! Muscles of a child or muscles of an active athlete are soft, homogeneous. As the virus infection develops, the muscle becomes fibrous and non-uniform. The internal part of the muscle, which is responsible for force and not exact movements, solidifies noticeably. This happens for the following reasons. Viruses gradually affect the muscle cells, so as not to exceed the threshold of inflammation. Cells infected with the virus produce substances (immunosuppressants) blocking nerves and compressing capillaries, as well as changing the work of heat receptors towards a comfortable sensation only with substantial cooling of muscles and skin. Nerves are blocked to prevent inflammation through the nerve channel. It's like getting a mote in the eye. Pain caused by the development of the infectious process in the muscle or any other causes can also cause inflammation. Compressing of the capillaries blocks the entire cycle of the immune response, based on blood cells (a chain of processes that are consistently performed by various blood cells), preventing large immune cells from reaching the zone of infection by viruses and destroying virus-infected cells, and organizing a massive immune response. Also, the compression of the capillaries reduces the likelihood of inflammation along the humoral (chemical) channel. It's like soap in the eye. Changing the temperature sensitivity and cooling the muscle or skin to a temperature below twenty-nine degrees for a period of time, about twenty minutes in total, over a short period of time, makes it possible to develop viruses (virions) in the infected cells and spread the lesion. The rate of development of virus damage in this system is clearly limited, and usually does not exceed the inflammatory threshold. The more active is the lesion, the more active is the immune response. Even beyond the threshold of the inflammatory process. The average rate of development of the viral process is determined by the total conditions of human life. It increases from stress, systematic cooling, poor nutrition or poor ecology and hypodynamia, as well as from disturbance or lack of sleep. The necessary amount of sleep is as much as sleeping in youth on vacation, in two weeks. The rate of development of the viral process falls when using onions, garlic, vegetables or fruits rich in vitamin C. Also beneficial are the sea, sun, mountains, vacations. Aseptic inflammation, for example with a massage, or with the right loads, turns the process back.
The presence of an inflammatory process (immune response) in tissues is easily determined by the sensation of itching in the tissues. But, unlike allergy (also an immune response), a normal immune response is not accompanied by rashes on the skin and significant edema (although bruises may appear). Naturally, favorable conditions activate the recovery process. A gentle massage of the itching tissues, which improves blood circulation, also contributes to the completeness of the immune response.
At the same time, cells infected with viruses are antagonists to other infections. The process of active development of a viral infection, for example, after subcooling or during hardening, can last for ten to twenty years, until a dangerous level is reached, creating, throughout this time, a false impression of a person's immunity to colds and other diseases, which is interpreted as the use of hardening. As the common damage to the corresponding tissues of the body develops with the common cold virus, the concentration of the level of viral immunosuppressants in the blood increases. When a certain concentration is reached, the protective mechanism of the organism, including immunity, collapses, almost avalanche-like, and the person either "burns" out of the whole bouquet of diseases, or switches on the self-destruct mechanism, with unacceptable damage to the genome and / or immunity, in the form of cancer. The key to this process is spasm of the renal tubules (as well as blood capillaries), which reduces the volume of urine output, with an increase in the concentration of metabolic products and viral immunosuppressants (renal failure) in the blood.There is a positive feedback in this process. That is, the higher the concentration of immunosuppressants in the blood, the worse urinary excretion. The worse is the urine output, the more immunosuppressants are there in the blood. Viral immunosuppressants, together with the products of metabolism and the products of vital activity of chronic infections, give a characteristic smell of old age. Probably this process is the main cause of death of people with aging. That is, in general, people are killed not by age, but by the developing viral process! And this process can be slowed down or, in part, reversed! Even it's hard to imagine how much you can live, and live cheerfully, controlling the viral process (a hundred years - in general, just the beginning of life)!
Beer is a diuretic, it damages the water's obstruction through the body and poisons viral toxins and metabolic products! The way to the bright future, as always, lies through the bright present. We need to be healthy today and cope with the problems that arise, to be alive and healthy tomorrow!
But not everything is so bad. There was no serious hardening. What's wrong? For example, ordinary life. The weather is different. Sometimes it is cold. The legs are cold, and the loin is clearly not overheated ... Let's start with the stomach and lower back. Along the spine, on each side of it from the head to the pelvis there are straight muscles of the back. Of course, they blew a little, and more than once. In them there appears a chronic viral process which is then developing. The selection of immunosuppressants begins ...
Everyone has some kind of injury. Someone has postoperative scars and scars. So, the scars are, in general, a "flower bed" for the cold virus, as the blood supply in the scars, scars and around is severely disturbed.
Doctors are devided in specialties. Everyone treats his organ. What matters to the doctor who treats the kidneys, or the spine, or the headache, or the heart, or the lungs to the direct muscles of the back? After all, all organs are separated by fasciae (such films), impenetrable for viruses and bacteria. And the blood supply is not contiguous ... However it is not like that. Put salt into a piece of meat, without removing the fascia film. It will be remarkably salted. The same process occurs in the body. Viral immunosuppressants, due to diffusion, penetrate from the straight and other muscles of the back, as well as muscles of the abdomen, chest, scapula and legs, into neighboring organs. The Chinese are absolutely right that with any illness you need to treat the body and the disease, and not just the disease!
For example, the spine. It is like beads. I would never be able to carry the weight of the body, and the vertebrae with the intervertebral discs would sprawl in different directions, if the brain, like a juggler, did not put the vertebrae and discs in one line, using the muscles of the spinal column. But viral immunosuppressants block nerves, blinding the brain. They compress the capillaries, depriving the muscles of the spinal column of their force (nutrition and oxygen) . Muscles, as a result, spaserovate at first, pushing the vertebrae and / or discs toward the still healthy muscles. Further, these muscles degrade and weaken, but the second side begins to fall ill. For a while, there is some kind of balance, and problems with the spine recede. Then the disease progresses. There is a push out in the other direction. And, here you are, already, permanent hernia discs and vertebrae. A small load, an additional displacement - and total disability! Because the nerve is pinched and injured. Anesthesia can provoke further pinching, necrosis and disability! Medicines such as diclofenac and the like, containing anti-inflammatory components, cause the body to "spit" against the enemy who occupied vital objects.
Be careful! The term "anti-inflammatory" is applied in two ways. These are drugs that suppress the problem and thereby remove inflammation, and drugs that block immunity and remove only the symptoms, causing serious harm to the body.
Heating and irritating ointments and procedures more or less help, except for the possibility of more inflammation, swelling and self-pinching of the nerve. Hanging on the bar, to remove the pinch in the spine - you can. But this does not cure the problem. It is dangerous to pull up your shoulders because a sharp stretching of spasms can not only cause them to be slightly traumatized, aseptic inflammatory process and treatment, but also a muscle or ligament rupture (depends not on the strength of the jerk but on the condition of the muscles), together with a strong bias and, in the worst case, paralysis. Trying to press on a disk or vertebra, in order to return it to its place, is absolutely unacceptable! It is unacceptable because of the possibility to pass to the other side, or because of reverse return, with severe consequences. Surgery helps for several years, but further viruses develop in the scars, and everything repeats. After surgery, treatment with massage or physiotherapy is ineffective and dangerous, (for an experienced physician, it is perfectly permissible), since the spine system is severely injured, and an attempt to appeal to self-healing of the organism can have unpredictable consequences. Properly conducted special massage (before surgical intervention) gives almost 100%, safe, fast enough (relieving pain from squeezing for half an hour), and absolutely complete solution of the problem, regardless of the current state. For a long time. In the absence of repeated colds, the muscles of the back are recovered forever. Even for completely recumbent patients with continuous pain, regardless of age - relief at once. Complete recovery - later. Even with the degeneration and deformations of the vertebrae and discs. In this case, relief at once, and cure slowly (a couple of years), but with full recovery. Unconditionally confirmed by practice. After suffering serious spinal injuries and / or surgery, such massage should be done only under the strict supervision of the profile doctor and the result is not guaranteed. The description of the methodology will be presented later.
Let's return to the problem of common viral toxicity with the common cold virus. Kidneys, under the influence of viral immunosuppressants, begin to compress blood capillaries and tubules (renal failure). Because there are immunosuppressants, and there are no antagonist cells to bacteria, fungi and other types of viruses infected with cold viruses, all infections begin to form in the kidneys. Usually bacterial. You treat them with antibiotics, and they come back. Again and again! Because of the clamped capillaries and tubules, filtration of water through the kidneys is reduced. The concentration of urate salts and uric acid increases - and here you already have kidney stones! The fact that there is a bacterial process in the kidneys is evident by a strong smell of urine. If there is no bacterial or fungal process in the kidneys and urinary bladder, urine, practically, does not smell. If the process is in the urethra, then the fragrance smells.
The trouble is that the cold gluteal muscles, the muscles of the waist, abdomen and diaphragm poison all the organs of the abdominal cavity, and not just the kidneys. Hence the severity after eating before going to bed, flatulence, gastritis and ulcer, hernia, diabetes, appendicitis, liver disease, cholelithiasis, stool problems, female diseases, kidney disease and allergy (diabetes is curable, the technique is further, and to the issue of allergy cure too we will return separately). Moreover, these diseases develop all at once. Only, in different degrees. So, to treat something separately is stupid and meaningless! But the doctors treat every disease separately (if they act strictly according to instructions)! But, thank God, many doctors are smart, thinking, relying on experience and practice, and not just on common views.
Now, about the heart and blood vessels. Vessels inside are lined with a delicate cellular tissue - endothelium. In case of damage to the endothelium, the wall of the vessel is covered from inside with cholesterol. So, cholesterol fixes damaged vessels, it is not a harmful disease of the body. Viral immunosuppressants are poison! Delicate endothelium of the vascular wall, as well as the muscles of the vessel, suffer and suffer from it. Therefore, the film of cholesterol in the affected area closes the vessel from inside. Viral immunosuppressants, due to the cholesterol film, cease to be carried away by blood from the vascular wall. Their concentration in the vascular wall is growing. The cells of the vessel die and suffer, more and more, and the cholesterol plaque grows, and already, nowhere, will never go away! It will only continue to grow. Thus, due to the coagulation of blood in the place of damaged vessel, there may appear a fibrin clot . A bulky cholesterol plaque or a fibrin clot can, in general, come off and clog up blood flow somewhere. Unfortunately, any mechanical effect, including massage, can provoke a detachment of a weakly clotting thrombus, blockage of vital arteries and death. The most dangerous period is from three days to two weeks after surgery. So, after serious operations - the strictest bed rest, regardless of the general condition. Or, option number two, - almost immediately after the operation move rather actively, not allowing the creation of a large clot . It is not very effective to treat the vessels in a traditional way. To cut, stent, etc. – will act as "crutches" and just for a while. And further, due to postoperative inflammation, a viral infection in the surrounding tissues will be treated a little. But soon, in three to five years, everything will come back! The blocking of the nerves of the vascular wall and the capillary-contracting effect of viral toxins, the effect on the muscles of the vascular wall, first lead to vessel spasm, then to the degeneration of the muscles of the vascular wall, and to its inflation (varicose veins, aneurysms). Treatment of varicose cold is effective only for short-term (significantly less than twenty minutes) procedures that pump capillaries, but really helps keep the problematic place in the heat to prevent further development of the common cold and massage and / or exercise to treat viral damage. Tight bandaging - also serves as "crutches" for a short while, and then harm, because of the deterioration of blood supply. Because of the vascular problems caused by the common cold of the surrounding muscles, there are heart attacks and strokes. Due to the poisoning of blood, narrowing the passage of the brain vessels and cholesterol one has headaches, obesity, memory impairment, stupor, dementia. The organism, of course, tries to counteract the deterioration of the blood supply by raising blood pressure, but it doesn`t solve the problem completely. That is, increased pressure, with a bad state of the vessels, is not a disease, but a protective reaction of the body. Taking medicines that reduce blood pressure, leads the tests back to normal, and the problem aggravates! The use of statins that reduce cholesterol is good only as an emergency, short-term measure. Long-term use of such drugs disrupts homeostasis and rapes the immune and protective system, and does not cure the vessels. Also, the deterioration of the blood supply causes a lack of glucose and oxygen in the brain tissues which causes unnecessary physiological needs of hunger (and yet, hunger can be caused by genetic problems, as well as epigenetic, such as starvation or just a lack of glucose in the mother's brain, during life before your birth). Satisfaction of hunger and, accordingly, an excess of energy in the body, of course, leads to obesity. This does not mean that obesity is inevitable and invincible. Sensation of stuffiness makes you stay in cold, "fresh" air, developing a viral defeat. Understanding the reasons, and having the means, it is easier to deal with the consequences.
Further deterioration of the blood supply to the brain inevitably leads to senile dementia.
Thus, for weight loss you need to expand the vessels of the brain, for example, with alcohol and / or massage. Strengthen the blood supply, for example, with spicy food. Spicy food, too, causes irritation of the gastric mucosa, which creates a feeling of satiety. Counteract the cells affected by viruses, with the help of vitamin C and phytoncides onions or garlic. Here is a good "evil" green onions. It is desirable to ensure a uniform intake of glucose into the blood. Quick receipt - fatty sour cream. Glucose with a delay - vegetables. For example, green onions. Based on these principles, you can compose your food from products that suit you.
Proceeding from the above, if you want to lose weight, I recommend as a basic meal, a salad of "evil" green onions, generously dressed with sour cream fats (fat content, for example, 42 percent), well salted and peppered. As alcohol at night - some traditional balm on herbs. The main meaning of this salad is the activation of blood circulation and water metabolism, as well as antiviral action, the intake of vitamins, protection of mucous and its prolonged action ... Do not overexert the body. The body may require other foods, such as potato chips or a chocolate bar. You can, as an additive to salad. But it is important that the total calorie content is significantly lower than the required per day. One should eat very little, slowly, many times a day. No salad baskets, mashed potatoes and / or soft pasta! Do not eat up, but just eliminate hunger. It is important that the house is warm. It is better to be hot (27 - 28 degrees). Bad sensations in the absence of physical activity and a minimum of clothing at this temperature are the result of a viral lesion. For a healthy person or children, who don`t have general viral disease due to age, this temperature is good. Smelly odor of secretions during weight loss is due to the removal of viral toxins and metabolic products accumulated in the fat burnt. Therefore, do not forget to drink plenty of fluids to prevent life-threatening, not just health, poisoning of the body with these substances. No sweet soda or sweet drinks! Carbonated mineral water, not at the time of meals, is excellent! It is very quickly absorbed and has moderate disinfecting properties. With water, mineral salts are excreted from the body, so do not forget to support salt balance.
By the way, testosterone, contained in sperm, also effectively activates the metabolism, helps to reduce the amount of fat and increase muscle mass. Natural testosterone is equally useful for men and women, and it enters the blood well, absorbed from the sperm, through the mucous membranes and skin. Therefore, do not rush to run to the shower after having sex.
The viruses infect the muscles of the lens that is the main reason for the age-related drop in vision (completely curable). Deterioration of blood supply and toxicity leads to a variety of diseases including eyes and any other organs! For example, a chilled leg muscle can hardly pass blood through itself. In this blood there is no oxygen and nutrients, but there is a high concentration of urate and uric acid salts. Therefore, the knee joint, which feeds blood through this muscle, hurts, gets sick, degrades, and salt is deposited in it. The reason for gout is the same. The reason for the recurrence of foot and nail fungus is the same. The femoral and gluteal muscles ache - problems with the hip and pelvic organs (urethritis, cystitis, thrush, hemorrhoids). In men - also prostatitis, and male problems. After six-fold massage of the feet, once a week (in the manner described below), if a man wants to have sex – you are welcome! In case of sexual problems- you have to work on the back of the head, and everything will be OK!
Viral toxicity and blockage of blood circulation are the reasons for osteoporosis. No preparations of calcium or vitamin D3 will help in the fight against osteoporosis without treatment of viral damage. If there is no infection the body will gain calcium from food. Well, and so on. (By the way, salted, dried fish, such as vobla, helps in retaining calcium.)
Cold hands are often the result of nervous exhaustion and viral damage to tissues, surrounding arteries, veins and capillaries (spasm of blood vessels) that feeds hands with blood.
Legs, when awake, are usually significantly lower than the heart, and do not swell due to the vascular tone corresponding to hydrostatic pressure. Therefore, if the feet become cold in the warmth, the tonus of the muscles of the walls of the vessels is higher than the required one, for the current position of the body. In the sedentary, and especially in the supine position, with hypodynamia, the hydrostatic pressure is lower, and the blood is squeezed out of the vessels with insufficient correction of the tone. That is, the feedback of the regulation of the vascular tone of the legs is disturbed. This is possible only with significant virus damage to the muscles of the legs, partial blocking of the nerves, and leads to toxicity of the pelvic organs with viral toxins.
Accordingly, for women, this leads to problems with childbearing functions. Hypodynamia is the result of laziness. Therefore, in medieval England, his wife's cold feet were one of the few valid reasons for divorcing spouses. Even with temporary hypodynamia, the circulation of blood in the legs may decrease, which leads to an increase in the concentration of viral toxins in the blood of the legs, which in turn leads to an even greater vasospasm. Breaking the vicious circle can be physical or thermal (cold) stress of the leg muscles (for a restless woman in the Middle Ages - the norm of life). To steam hands and / or feet is to deliver blood to the tissues affected by the cold virus, and activate the immune response to the cold virus, moreover, to activate the immune response not only locally but also throughout the body. It also helps with a cold and cough.
Swelling of the face during sleep is a problem not only with the vascular tone and hydrostatic pressure, but, in the main, is an attempt by the body to treat a viral lesion of one of the most chilled parts of the body.
I can treat the viral process as described in the following ways.
Attempts to treat all this with medicines, by forcibly changing any parameters of homeostasis (the natural balance of system parameters), lead to the strain of all body forces in the fight against external chemical interference, exhaustion of forces, and, in general, to the cessation of the work of the protective mechanism and immunity. Care should be taken to avoid any medications that interfere with homeostasis, which are used by long-term courses or for life, in order to avoid exhaustion of the body's forces to maintain homeostasis, that result in suppression of immunity and premature death. Nobody argues that to remove critical situation, medicines and surgery are super!
How to cope with virus
To live happily for many years, you must be healthy! That is, it is necessary to counteract the development of a chronic catarrhal virus infection (and other related diseases)! If it already exists, then suppress it. The methods of impact on cells infected with the virus are five in all: thermal; mechanical; chemical (meaning toxic and irritating substances of a non-specific nature); microbiological and pharmacological (including drugs and products of natural origin). So far, synthetic drugs that destroy cells that are affected by the common cold virus are not observed (although aspirin helps a little). Therefore, from the real, the oldest, old-fashioned method remains the most effective - an aseptic inflammatory process! That is, the inflammatory process is not due to infection. The inflammatory process is the microbiological response of the body to viral cell damage. Therefore, - to bathe in icy water, after the bath. Yes, stress, but the cooling is much less than twenty minutes, and the capillaries pump extremely efficiently. Heating increases the capillaries and vessels of the skin, and most of the viral toxins pass from the cells into the blood. Cooling compresses capillaries, pumps blood and causes an easy inflammatory process, provoking an even greater expansion of the capillaries in the heat. Another interesting question: how to dive into an icy water? Sharply or slowly? The answer depends on the amount of immunosuppressants accumulated in the skin. With rapid cooling of the skin, blood vessels and capillaries are compressed, and virus toxins that have passed into the blood stream are thrown into the bloodstream. If a person is young and / or the number of viral immunosuppressants is small, and the heart is in perfect order, then it is more effective to dive sharply. If everything is not very good you better dive slowly. Naturally, hot bath, hot and contrast shower will also help. Physical activity also helps. Treatment with mustard plasters and small glass cans, onions and garlic will help if you are not well. A small glass of vodka (or cognac) - in the evening (will widen the vessels and raise pressure). Once a week (not more!). To smoke a little- it provides provide irritation and an easy inflammatory process for the lungs and bronchi. If you smoke regularly and often, then the body gets used to the effects of irritants, and no longer reacts actively to smoke or to viral respiratory tract infections. Well, of course, massage! Of course, all kinds of physiotherapy, medical dirt and the like are good too! The effect of medical dirt, such as bischofite, is simple. It is not a very active cellular poison. Weakened and diseased cells die, not harming the body very much. The body treats it quickly and without a trace along with microtraumas, significantly improving its condition. Recommendations in this regard are similar to massage.
For bed-patients, experienced doctors always recommend systematical slight tapping of the lungs with a fist to avoid death from pulmonary edema during inflammation due to impaired blood circulation and the development of the viral process in case of hypodynamia.
Upon inhalation, the moist internal surface of the respiratory system is systematically cooled for a short time to a temperature, sometimes even lower than the temperature of the inhaled air. If you inhale cold air, then not only the surface, but also the tissues of the trachea and bronchi are strongly cooled. Chilled capillaries are compressed. In the epithelium of the respiratory tract, virions are produced. In the mass of the tissues of the respiratory tract, viral toxins accumulate. (If the air is icy, then, on the contrary, an aseptic inflammatory process occurs.) Because of the clamping of capillaries by cooling, these toxins do not enter the general bloodstream. This is the "fresh air effect". And in fact, the cold air. Reduction of overall toxicity gives a wonderful feeling of freshness. It is because of this one sleeps well in the "open air". This sensation lasts several hours. Further, it smoothly stops. To restart these feelings, which process takes some time, at least half an hour, one should inhale warm air. A person feels this air as "stuffy", despite the absolutely identical composition of air, because the capillaries expand and viral toxins enter the bloodstream. The head "fades" from toxins. There comes a slight suffocation from compression of the capillaries of the brain with toxins and worsening in the supply of brain oxygen.
If the circulation of blood in the respiratory organs is weak, then the balance of cure-infection in them slowly shifts towards infection. The level of infection reaches the threshold of inflammation. Hence - pneumonia. Viral, or bacterial, due to immune depression. Possible pulmonary edema and death. When a person moves, the variable hydrostatic pressure on the vessels, due to the change in the direction of gravity and dynamic acceleration, as well as due to the activity of the respiratory muscles, causes an increase in blood circulation in the respiratory organs and a shift in the balance towards cure. It should be noted that some biochemical processes in the blood flow without problems, only when it is cooled below the temperatures of replication of virions (copying of genetic material, and then, the bodies of viruses in cells). Therefore, it is not advisable to avoid cooling completely, but, if possible, it is desirable to limit it. When breathing in icy or very cold air, there is a spasm of the capillaries and vessels not only of the respiratory organs. Besides there is a spasm of the blood vessels of the heart. If the condition of the blood vessels of the heart is bad, that is, the pre-infarction state, then on entering the "fresh air" there will be a clear sense of problems with the heart. Heart problems can occur when you do not stand, do not sit or lie on your right side. The heart (heart bag) lies on the ribs (and lungs), and toxins from the intercostal muscles come into it. Because of the toxicity, the blood vessels of the heart contract, the blood supply of the heart muscle falls, and heart failure is observed. In this case, you need to urgently consult a doctor, for taking emergency measures to prevent a heart attack. Acute heart failure can often be removed by making a few slow, deep breaths - the exhalations of not cold air to saturate the blood with oxygen. Try not to confuse problems with the heart, with a sharp pinched nerves in the thoracic spine, which comes with uncomfortable lying or unsuccessful movements, if the spine is not healthy. It should be noted that chronic damage to the innervation of the heart due to pinching of nerves leads to disruption of regulation of the processes in the heart and real problems with its condition. Very often, drug treatment of the consequences of a violation of the innervation of the heart, without the elimination of direct pinching, leads to even more damage to the heart and disruption of homeostasis. Emergency help in case of pinch in the thoracic spine can be provided as follows. It is necessary to lie on your back, stretch out your legs and pull your toes away from you for ten to fifteen seconds, then pull the toes to yourself the same time. Exercise to repeat three to five minutes. Pincushion should be immediately released.
For the treatment of the heart, first treat the spine, then the muscles of the scapula and the intercostal muscles and only then, directly the heart, if necessary. But, as a rule, muscle treatment is more than enough!
Since the century is not the eighteenth, not the nineteenth and, not even the twentieth - I want to know how everything works from a scientific point of view! And from a scientific point of view, it turned out that the sign of the inflammatory process is ESR (the rate of erythrocyte sedimentation, formerly called ROE). It turns out that after a massage, the next day or in a day - the ESR increases. Then it gradually falls down, but what is especially interesting, in a week everything is repeated but with less activity! Sometimes one can see one more, quite a weak rise. And again, another week. (In children, in particular, the diurnal and three-day cycles can still be expressed.) Also, the diurnal and three-day cycle is observed with obvious sluggish diseases in adults and children. This indicates the resonance of immunity (that is, immunity, as a pendulum). We showed the problem to it. There was an immune response. Next, the immune decline follows. But in a week, all again, but with less activity. Spontaneously. And if you swing in time, you can achieve incomparable results. It's like shaking a swing and swinging. Massage, bath, sports - all at once, and once a week! Exactly seven days later. Except some natives of southeast Asia. For them, in six days. They have a six-day week ... For adults, the diurnal and three-day cycles are of little relevance, in terms of buildup of immunity.
Description of the massage technique
The essence of this massage method is that in the tissues affected by the virus the blood supply becomes worse and the muscles are spasmodic. It feels good with your hands. The skin is cold, stiff, rubbery to the touch. Low sensitivity. Inside, the muscles are like ropes, and there are inhomogeneities in them. Due to the deterioration of microcirculation, the concentration of urate and uric acid salts increases in tissues, and these salts fall out in the form of microcrystals in tissues. When kneading tissues, we injure neighboring cells with microcrystals, and we also injure the spasms of muscles. Due to this, an inflammatory process occurs, the capillaries expand, supplying fluid to the tissues (blood and lymph) dissolving instantly the traumatic microcrystals of the salts. Viral immunosuppressants enter the bloodstream, and pain sharply changes the character from acute to sluggish, and even slightly pleasant. Microtrauma, in a few days, completely healed, like a shot from the needle of a syringe. Immunity will work on the affected cells, and after a week, the body will again be ready for a massage. It takes from four (at least a month) to ten sessions to get the most achievable result in one massage cycle (depending on age and condition). Further the organism gets used and does not react to massage any more. It takes a break for four to six months. So does physical exercise. In general, for immunity and for the protective mechanism of the organism, for reaching an established process, from a situation of emergency adaptation, it is necessary, at least, a month is needed. If taken daily or in a day a massage and physical activity "reopen old wounds " and partly harm the body. Therefore, if the physical load is daily, then once a week it is necessary to work hard! If you have a serious muscle mass, then daily adequate physical exertion is necessary for life to avoid stagnation of blood in the muscles (and, consequently, the development of the viral process in them), turning the muscles into a "rotten swamp", and preventing poisoning of organism dangerous for health and life. Pain in the muscles, after exercise, to put it mildly, is not always the result of anaerobic process and lactic acid! (Pain from lactic acid is immediate, pain from the inflammatory process is the next day.) As a rule, these are microtraumas caused by microcrystalline salts. Easy intoxication after massage and / or physical exertion is the result of increasing the concentration of viral immunosuppressants in the blood (acting on the central nervous system like alcohol) and metabolic products from kneaded tissues. Measuring the relative concentration of these products in the blood can be done using an inexpensive alcohol test with a semiconductor sensor. A breathalyzer with an electrochemical sensor will not work, since its sensor reacts strictly to alcohol. So, the desired level for massage and / or physical exertion is one ppm. Two ppm and above –you should immediately give your patient a lot of milk or tea! That is, even if a drug that kills cells infected by a virus, is invented (blocking virions is also a way, but rather a defensive way), then this should be done gradually, in view of the danger of heavy, possibly fatal, poisoning by cell decay products and viral toxins, and also not completely, in view of the necessity to preserve the genetic information brought by the viruses.
Again. Muscle mass is relatively easy to build up. The reverse process is extremely difficult. After gaining muscle mass, you will have to maintain it for life, in order to avoid serious illness and premature death.
Self-massage of the back
Purely practical, one of the most common problems, suddenly and completely knocking us out of the habitual rhythm of life - it's pain in the spine! Sometimes, it overtakes us in the most uncomfortable place, and at the most inconvenient time! It turns out that there is a simple, reliable, fast and safe way to solve this problem! The causes and mechanism of the problem were cosidered above. The solution is in kneading the straight back muscles, next to the place of pinching. Without affecting the spine directly. After the inflammatory process occurs in the muscles, the blood washes out viral immunosuppressants from them. The toxicity (poisoning) and spasm of the muscles of the spinal column stop, and the protruded vertebra or disc, in five to ten minutes, in seconds, returns to its place! Thin people can see how the vertebra goes to its place. The spine, as a result, restores the load capacity in a few minutes. Yes, the trauma of the jammed nerve will still hurt and will disappear in several days, but there will be no pinching, and the movements will not be limited! The load capacity of the spine will partially recover immediately, and will completely recover some time later. It is necessary to stretch straight muscles of the back along the length of about fifteen centimeters to the right and left of the pinch point. You can do it yourself. It is necessary to find not a cooling, stable, sticking out vertical angle, for example, a wooden jamb of a door. If there is a problem in the bulging back of the spine, then we will stretch the muscles directly about this angle. If the problem with the concave lumbar, you should take the angle with a hand, at that the knuckles joints of the fingers with palms should be turned to the back (spine) and the knuckles should be placed along the angle. We will knead the muscle with these knuckles. To do this, it is necessary to move the legs fifty to seventy centimeters (depending on the height) from the angle, placing them on the width of the shoulders, and with your back, with all weight, lean on your arm or on the corner of your right or left rectus muscle with your back muscles in the area of pinching. Then slowly and smoothly moving to the left - to the right for three to five centimeters, roll the corner with a force back and forth - the "sausage" of the muscle along the ribs. This is how we knead the muscle. Alternately two - three minutes one side, two - three minutes another. Totally it will take from twenty to thirty minutes. If it's hard, take breaks. But the time of self-massage must necessarily be worked out. If, after the procedures, the jamming in the lumbar region does not go away or is quickly returned, this is a nervous spasm of the muscles of the spinal column. You can remove it in the following way. It is necessary to take a round flat stick or pipe with a diameter of three to five centimeters and about half a meter in length (for example, a rolling pin). Stand with two feet on this stick, holding on to the jamb of the door, for example, and slowly roll the stick with two legs so that from the middle of the feet it moves forward - backward by three centimeters. The procedure continues for three to five minutes. Spasm will immediately release and, as a rule, will not return if the back massage is done correctly. Also, the spasm can be removed by stretching the toes, as described above. A single massage procedure lasts two to three months. If you make four - ten times (depending on the age), then enough, at least for three years, if you do not blow back again. Do once a week, on the same day and, preferably, at the same time.
Technical means
It is known that for traditional massage, in general, internal organs are not available. Also, it is physically impossible to massage massive muscles, for example, the femoral, and even more so, the organs under the bone defense, such as the heart, lungs or brain. So here, the Chinese have come up with everything! They invented it, pounding on the body with various beatings. It is a special, high art! But, in my opinion, here it is necessary to approach technically to somehow stabilize the impact, and clearly predict the result, rather than suffer, studying the experience of ancestors, mythology, and honing the fidelity of movements! While there are no special devices, it is necessary to take an electric hammer drill ( horror!!! :-) ). The electric hammer drill should be from two to three kilograms in weight, be able to strike without rotation (a jackhammer), have a button lock in the on state, a smooth fixing speed adjustment, a maximum impact energy of two to three joules, and a stroke rate of up to five thousand per minute. A reverse is also desirable, for work in the range of weak impacts. (If you cannot reduce the speed of the electric hammer drill to the desired intensity of strokes on the forward run, you can try to work on the reverse.) You can also try to turn on the electric hammer drill through the step-down transformer.) That is, different clones, followers and semblances of the Bosch GBH 2- 24 DSR. For example, Interskol P-26 / 800EP-2. (it is better not for the P-24 / 650EP, since the claimed impact energy is not always realistic, and at low speeds, with the required strike frequency, the impact energy may be insufficient). In order for the organism to perceive and work out each stroke separately (compression and expansion of the capillaries, nervous reaction), the frequency of strokes should be less than sixteen hertz. Optimum - from six to twelve. (For orientation, sixteen hertz is the frequency of the chatter of an old film camera. I think that the physiology of cinema and frame-by-frame perception, as well as the physiology of perception of vibrational and shock massage are similar.) It is necessary to take the adapter for the drill chuck, and using epoxy glue, pre-degreasing, firmly fix on it a ball of hard and durable plastic with a diameter of 40 - 50 mm. A carbolite handle from a lathe is OK, with a hole drilled to 12.5 mm. It will be a massage nozzle. You will also need a bathing cap in the pool of silicone rubber. In the cap you need to pour one kilogram of dry, fine table salt, pull off the edges, and tie up the rope tightly to get a tightly stuffed rubber bag. Put the cap in a plastic bag, which, because of contamination during its use, should be replaced. The nozzle is inserted into the electric hammer drill and added to the impact force, so that the beats of the ball pressed to the palm (without rotation) are perceptible, but not painful (at the level of two thirds before the patient feels pain).
The technique of massage
For each person the force of impact is selected individually. If you feel a significant pain when massaging a specific area of the body, you must reduce the impact force. Naturally, for children, too,the force should be less, or through a bag of salt. If the exposure to a particular place is too long, the burning sensation begins to be felt, as from red pepper. Normally, when the exposure time is from half to two-thirds from the exposure to burning. Despite the fact that the action of the perforator is deep and voluminous, it is necessary either to continuously move the nozzle along the body, or to move every two to three seconds for one to two centimeters. It is better to massage not directly, but through one layer of tissue, for example, through clothing. To work out the intercostal muscles, it is necessary to reduce the level of the blow to painless. To work the lungs and / or the heart, you do not need to reduce the force of the blow, but the massage should be done through a bag of salt. The same when working with the head, eyes, nasal and frontal sinuses, as well as teeth. The time of exposure to each eye is about ten seconds. On the nasal and frontal sinuses necessary time is fifteen to twenty seconds. When working through a bag of salt on the head and body, the bag, along with the electric hammer drill, needs to be moved every thirty seconds, or at the end of the exposure, if necessary for less than thirty seconds. Do not knuckle on the bones. Either there should be a significant muscle layer on the bones, or the effect must be extremely weak, with continuous movement, so as not to injure the skin, for example, for the scalp, or through a bag of salt for deep exposure. Gray hair and baldness can be treated quite well. The impact on the lymph nodes and mammary glands is strongly undesirable, except for special cases of treatment. You should also not do massage in case of threat of separation of the blood clot in the vessels or the risk of rupture of the aneurysm of the arteries. Joints, even through a sack, too, as a rule, do not need to touch, except in cases of all sorts of spurs, problems with the meniscus and gout. If it is necessary to treat joints, then strictly, only after the restoration of the appropriate muscles through which blood comes to them. The reason for this is in trauma with a joint massage, which does not have the resources to restore. Diseases of the toes, ankle and foot should be treated together with the muscles of the lower leg.
It is desirable to carry out work with muscles in three stages. First, "frighten" the body with a quick passage with a speed of about three to five centimeters per second, covering the area of exposure with a step of two to three centimeters (either by continuous movement or by a permutation, with a step of two to three centimeters). Next, two passes at a speed of five times less. For the muscles of the shoulders of the back and neck to work out not every muscle from beginning to end, but in stages on each side, symmetrically. For example, to "frighten" the muscle of the right shoulder, then the left one, to make one passage along the muscle of the left shoulder, then the right one, and so on. (Massage of the shoulder zone leads to the removal of spasm of the sphincter blocking the flow of cerebral fluid into the spinal cord and then to the lymph. This removes stagnation of the cerebral fluid and reduces intracranial pressure, improving the condition and functioning of the brain.) The alternation of the sides of the massage is necessary to prevent one-sided pinching of the nerves of the spine. The method of work is as follows. With general health procedures and distributed problems: shoulders, neck - the spine (straight back muscles), kidneys, loin, shoulder blades, buttocks, hips from behind, shins, feet, hips on the side. Legs are to be massaged as follows: every muscle on the right and on the left, as well as alternately. It is also necessary to work out stops. Next head. Especially, the back of the brain, frontal sinuses, eyes, nasal sinuses (chronic rhinitis is easily cured), teeth, thymus gland, sternum, lungs in front (through the bag). Hips in front, solar plexus, diaphragm, the entire abdomen (where the spleen is more cautious, without fanaticism). On the hands, in this case, as a rule, there is not enough stock for the concentration of harmful substances in the blood. Either hands to do very fluently, or not at all. Technology, as with the legs, but the muscles from the elbow to the palm - do with passion, but do not hollow over the bones. At the next massage, or in a consequence, legs to make fluently, and hands - with predilection.
Often, chronic hypothermia of the hands from the elbow and below leads to severe nerve toxicity in this area. At the same time there is an aching of the hands and, sometimes, an involuntary spasm of the muscles of the hands (reduces muscles). The mechanism of the process is as follows: Viral toxins (and cold), more and more, block the nerves, and the body increases the signal amplification factor in the transmission of the nerve impulse. And this continues until the appearance of the self-excitation effect of the system. It's like adding a microphone volume while standing in front of the speaker. As a result, the system does not work normally.
That is, if you look at the process of treatment systemically: first we repair "wires, the main signal cable" - the spine. Then, sensors of peripheral devices (adrenal glands), blood supply and detoxification systems of the body, neighboring actuators (kidneys, legs). Then the control device (brain) and, along the way, the nearby periphery (neck, eyes, face, teeth).
After the massage of the eyes, the next day, or every other day, your eyes will itch and hurt, as if there is sand in them. Vision will deteriorate. This is the immune response. In a week, the vision will be noticeably better than before the massage. It is possible to do further.
Attention! If the retina detaches or in case of other serious eye diseases, adjust the procedures with the doctor, and moderate their intensity. If during the course of treatment any serious illness or painful menstruation with a heavy course have occurred, then the course must be interrupted. Synchronizing the menstruation with these procedures is a natural process. If the menstruation cycle is not very painful, then moderate the intensity of the procedures. It is desirable to maintain the cyclic conductivity. The allowable error in time is plus minus six hours. If the mistake is more than six hours, then the best is to postpone the massage for a week. Rhythm procedures should be followed when the pause is less than three weeks.
Next, we massage the immune system - the thymus gland, the sternum, the intestine, the liver, the marrow of the thighs (the muscles in front of the legs), and, in parallel, the neighboring periphery - the lungs, heart, diaphragm, stomach. Next hands, if there is a reserve for the concentration of toxins in the blood. Hands, you can also leave for later, so that there is something to excite an immune response, when everything else is already more or less healthy. Even if you have forgotten something, the body itself, in due course, to some extent, will average the situation.
The treatment cycle is once a week, preferably at the same time. Three to ten times, depending on age and condition. At the end of the pause cycle, from four to six months, then the cycle can be repeated if necessary. Pause is needed because the body adapts to the effects, and very weakly reacts to the continuation of the cycle.
For children such treatment makes it possible to correct developmental delay or oppression of certain systems and organs. Adjust the tone of muscles and blood vessels. Balance the system. Remove the curvature of the spine. Cure warts (papillomas). It is better to massage through a bag of salt, or substantially weaker.
Physiology of treatment
When blood pressure is high or on the contrary low, pay attention to the treatment of the kidneys (adrenal glands) and the neck (carotid artery). When treating allergies, pay attention to the place of connection of the thick and thin intestine, as well as to the places of manifestation, and to the skin, but, of course, when the overall immune depression decreases. When treating diabetes, it is necessary to understand that with the chronic process of inflammation, in the pancreas, the process of its degeneration into scar tissue occurs. The reverse process is very difficult. In this case, treatment will not be particularly effective, although not useless. The healing process, in this case, can take up to ten years. The initial stages of diabetes are cured easily and completely. Confirmed by practice. Similar processes can occur in the liver.
All organs situated on the head above the nasolabial fold have a common blood circulation with the brain. The scalp and maxillofacial muscles, if chilled and affected by viruses, poison the brain. Poisoning of the brain is felt as stupor, memory impairment, headaches, aggression, resentment and depression. The popular name for such people, especially young people, is scumbags! Naturally, not only the higher nervous activity is inhibited, but also the regulatory and immune functions of the brain, which leads to hormonal imbalance and other, extremely unpleasant, consequences. The brain swims in a fluid that is formed by the infiltration of blood plasma through the walls of the vessels. To maintain the desired pressure and freshness of the cerebral fluid, the excess of the fluid is discharged through a special sphincter into the spinal cord and further into the lymph. If the shoulder and neck are chilled, the sphincter is spasmodic and the brain swims in its own waste ...
Correct work of the back of the brain is the basis of health and long life!
In the days of Pushkin people lived, on average, about thirty-five years. Now - more than seventy. I hope this approach will double life period. So, the cap is the guarantee of brain health! Frost and wind - a cap of "balaklava type". In general, at work and at rest clothes should provide a comfortable thermal regime. It is absolutely unadvisable to tolerate the cold for twenty minutes or more, even locally, if you wish to be healthy. Enduring cold is the expenditure of health. The reserve of health is very limited. To restore a health reserve again is very difficult!
Pay special attention to the thermal regime of life. The house must always be warm. Preferably not lower than twenty-six degrees. If one is greedy and tries to save on heating – he will kill himself and his beloved ones! Domestic clothing should be as light and ventilated as possible, or, if possible, state naked to ensure the necessary heat dissipation of the body's heat, without supercooling the airways, and to ensure gas exchange through the skin (skin respiration). Excessive clothing leads to the need for heat removal through the respiratory organs and their local hypothermia. It is necessary to completely avoid drafts. When spending the night outside the house, where it is impossible to set the desired thermal regime, you should use pajamas, socks, and a hat for sleep. Watch the temperature of the body surface. The body should be always and in all places evenly warm, including hands, feet and face. Not colder than twenty-nine degrees. Air conditioners are especially dangerous. With insufficient power, they do not support the necessary temperature in the car or at home, but create dangerous drafts. Critical to health places are especially important. They are nape, neck, shoulders, scapula and lumbosacral department. In hospital wards the temperature is usually twenty-seven degrees and the windows are closed in order to prevent the development of a catarrhal viral infection in a disease-relaxed organism. It is necessary, at least, daily to wash off skin discharge and sweat, for example, in the shower, preferably without detergents, to preserve the microflora of the skin. It is desirable to wash hair with a mild shampoo. If there is no possibility to wash often enough, then it is often necessary to change clothes and linen.
The naked belly of a girl in cool weather - perhaps beautiful and seductive, but this is the right way to childlessness and diseases of the abdominal cavity! Bare feet between shoes and trousers in cold weather - the way to gout, a foot and nail fungus and a wheelchair! Naked neck and lack of a cap - a way to headaches and hypertension. Acute headache can often be removed by making a few slow, deep breaths - the exhalations of not cold air to saturate the blood with oxygen (hyperventilation of the lungs). Or vice versa - for a while (how tolerant) to hold your breath. Blood is saturated with carbon dioxide, the vessels expand and further breathing quickly saturates the brain with oxygen.
It is necessary to distinguish between two kinds of problems. The first type is a problem directly caused by the impact of any tissues by a cold virus. The second type is a problem caused by other infections that have developed due to the immunosuppressive effect of infection with the cold virus of neighboring tissues, as well as allergies.
Allergy is a violation of the immunity caused by the action of immunosuppressants and, possibly, an additional action of harmful chemicals and antigens with a genetic predisposition. There are no other causes of allergy.
In the first case, during treatment, the effect of treatment comes quickly, has a not very pronounced failure after a few days, and during the treatment the effect is strengthened. (For example, with back pain or chronic cold.) In the second case, a positive therapeutic effect can be expected immediately, but after a few days, this effect will be partially or completely lost. Further, a stable result will again manifest itself for a period of two to six weeks (if treatment is taken). Complete and irretrievable cure takes from six months to three years (with appropriate repetitions of the treatment cycle). For example, with kidney and / or liver disease. Cure for cirrhosis of the liver and chronic diabetes can, in general, take ten years. In the second case, the course of induced chronic infection in the second - fourth week turns into an acute process. The immunity finally started working. At the time of acute inflammation, with a noticeable rise in temperature and poor health, treatment with an electric hammer drill massage, exercise, or other physiotherapy should be interrupted, to a steady improvement in the condition, so as not to overload the body. During an exacerbation, the drugs and methods of treatment traditionally used in such exacerbations are good. The calendar cycle of the massage should always be maintained at a break of less than four weeks.
Why we use electric hammer drill
But why, after all, we use the electric hammer drill, and not some fashionable vibromassager? Suppose you are riding a bicycle on a gravel road. The steering wheel vibrates. What about the hands? They turned white and numb. Vibration causes spasm of blood vessels and worsening of blood circulation. And to us, you need the opposite! Now, suppose you took and lightly patted a little child with a palm over the bare ass. The child laughs - it's nice! The ass blushed! The vessels widened, the blood began to circulate actively - that's right.
In the electric hammer drill, the mechanical system with compressed air causes a small steel boom to fly, and this boom knocks on the working tool of the perforator. Hence the knocking action. A light shock wave penetrates the body. The front of the shock wave can be represented as a superposition of mechanical harmonic oscillations of a broad-spectrum medium (Fourier expansion). It is known that the interaction of a wave with various obstacles (changes in the density of the medium) depends strongly on the ratio of the size of the obstacle and the wavelength. If the obstacle is much larger than the wavelength, then we have refraction and / or reflection (bones surrounding the air). If the obstacle is much smaller than the wavelength, then the obstacle is surrounded a wave. If, however, the size of the obstacle is commensurate with the wavelength, then the wave is scattered, that is, the energy of the wave is released on the obstacle. Various tissue hardenings (due to local viral damage), salt microcrystals and spastic parts of muscles, as well as connective tissue adhesions, are just obstacles commensurate with the wavelengths generated by the spectrum puncher. These obstacles are kneaded by the energy released by the puncher. Energy stands out exactly where you need it! In this case, the impact of the electric hammer drill in contrast to the traditional massage, is deep, active and voluminous. It is clear that massage with a perforator is "shooting at squares" and not "high-precision weapons". But the weapon is "self-guided". I think that this is good, because of the diffusion of virus toxins in tissues. Yes, this is another physiotherapy method.
A bag with salt is a kind of antenna (horn type), to match the wave impedance of the medium and reduce the amplitude of the wave at the entrance to the body, to prevent local injuries. It is not always necessary, because together with the solution of internal problems, I want to improve the skin with an active effect. A bag is needed for massaging the head, eyes, face, joints, teeth, internal organs, scapula and, sometimes, ribs.
When treated with an electric hammer drill massage, bruises may appear on the skin, despite a moderate, not traumatic treatment. Bruises can appear even where treatment has not been done. These are areas of increased skin damage caused by the common cold virus. Such manifestations are normal and are associated with the work of tumor necrosis factor.
Let us consider the example of treating allergies. Suppose that after drinking alcohol (or massage) and having a certain food product, a person feels a rash and itching on the inner surface of the thighs. Antihistamines should be taken immediately. Next, general healing massage with an electric hammer drill as described above. But, the hips, buttocks and stomach (in front and behind) should be done with a special predilection. The result is according to the usual scheme. Can be cured without problems. Confirmed by practice.
I believe that psoriasis, for example, is a combination of general viral damage, viral skin damage and allergic reaction. Accordingly, the treatment is triune.
Unfortunately, the cold virus is not the only virus that constantly lives in our body. It should at least be mentioned the human papilloma virus and the herpes virus, although there are many other viruses that are important, in every particular case.
Papillomas can occur only in the presence of general and local immune depression (in the presence of a virus in the body). That is, at some general level of immune depression, there are places with more pronounced immune depression, and it is exactly where papillomas arise (taking into account specific features of orientation of the virus strain). With the growth of papillomas, immunity is more and more activated, due to the appearance of virus-infected cells, and a certain state of balance occurs. As a rule, external papillomas first appear. With the surgical removal of external papillomas, the immune system calms down and allows the growth of internal papillomas. Internal papillomas are dangerous because of mechanical disruption of physiological processes due to the appearance of obstructions in natural passages. External papillomas are good because they visualize the current status of the immune status and practically completely and completely disappear, despite their available size, sometimes significant (even in absolutely inoperable variants), approximately in six months or in a year, with properly conducted anti-immunodepressant treatment.
Also, the indicator of immune depression is the herpes virus. If the herpes is manifested in one form or another, for example, in the form of pains in the nerves or rashes on the skin or mucous membranes, then the treatment of the immune system, along with the medical treatment of the acute process, is clearly required. Often, a viral lesion spreads to the entire neurological-vascular bundle and an intensive study of the entire zone is required (see the human atlas, for example, the Sinelnikovs). It is required in the case of chronic pain in the limbs or with lesions of the trigeminal nerve. Also, for violations of touch and motor functions (for example, reduces and / or pricks fingers). Practice has shown that significant sustained cure results in dealing with these viruses should be expected six months after the start of treatment. The first significant improvement in the condition is observed immediately after the start of treatment.
For small, multiple papillomas, sometimes it is necessary to rub the skin, to reddening, with a dry towel for a month, once a week, three to four months after the start of treatment. For herpes - the same, but, instead of grinding, you need kneading (or massage with a perforator) of tissues in which inflammation occurs. It does not heal quickly, but completely.
The results of treatment for age problems with joints, sometimes, come in a couple of years after the treatment. When at first the whole system, and then, the bone tissue, will be restored.
With the proper level of immune status and the absence of acute and significant damage to immunity or the genome (for example, chemical, radiation or congenital), cancer is impossible in principle. And, accordingly, completely cured (within a year), if there is sufficient time (at least two weeks), as well as functionally stable state of the body with a normal state of homeostasis. Naturally, in the first place, surgical intervention in operable cases is necessary. But here, a chemotherapy is dangerous to some extent. Because chemotherapy is a cruel violation of homeostasis and the suppression of one's own immunity. In case of confidence in the results of chemotherapy - it is necessary to take chemotherapy. If there is no confidence - anti-immunodepressant treatment.
The conclusion
At this point it is clear that aging, as a physiological process of increasing the average life of body cells and aging, like soreness, infirmity and limitation of physiological capabilities, are two different things. Lifetime health, activity and longevity are real! The way to this is clear and uncomplicated. The mechanism of processes is understandable.
If this information helps you, I will be very happy. I want to express special gratitude to my father, who laid the foundations of this approach. In general my advice is: think, analyze, act. Take care of yourself and your loved ones. Cure the ailments. Live happily ever after!
We have time to understand the physiological process of increasing the average life of body cells and managing this process from a practical point of view. This is the management of age. Also, it seems, it is practically possible to selectively control the lifespan of a certain type of cells, for example, to significantly shorten the life span of connective tissue cells, which leads to the regeneration of any lost organs and parts of the body of a viable organism, based on the principles of biotopography ...
Russia, Moscow, 2017.
Dmitry Rozno