Phantasma Chain (SOUL) is a blockchain for next generation content distribution.
On October 5, the Phantasma team announced Phantasma Chain Masternodes.
- Staking at least 50,000 SOUL.
- 24/7 uptime, running in a VPS or server.
The team notes that the number of masternodes is limited, due to the SOUL token having a finite supply.
There is a minimum staking period of 30 days, after this period the tokens can be unstaked, meaning that the masternode turns into a normal node.
Anybody can run a node on the Phantasma network at zero entry cost (excluding the hardware and operational costs). The transaction fees of the network will be split, with a part of it going back into the masternodes pool. The transactions fees are then to be distributed over all block validators for every generated block. The pool for masternodes is to be redistributed to all active masternodes at a fixed interval.
Besides the transaction fees the Phantasma team will also reward the first Phantasma Chain masternodes with a flat 2% bonus with the condition that the tokens will be staked for at least 360 days (distributed after staking period), which should be set-up within the first 3 months once the Phantasma main net is live.