Blockcloud (BLOC) is an innovative IoT blockchain architecture connecting every dots of your life.
On September 30, the Blockcloud team published Token Sale FAQ, according to which Blockcloud token sale will start on October 11 at 12:00 pm (UTC+8) and will end on October 18 at 12:00 pm (UTC+8).
The team suggests the whitelisted participants to contribute at the earliest convenience, as the token sale event will close upon reaching the hard cap, which may happen sooner than the official Token Sale end date.
The hard cap is 1 million USD, the cost of 1 Blockcloud Token is 0.01 USD.
Minimum amount for the first transfer should be no less than 0.2 ETH, and the accumulated amount should be no more than your allocated amount which is your maximum contribution amount.
“Your allocation is based on your contribution to the communities, registration in the KYC website and advanced KYC test”, – writes the Blockcloud team.