Свалени/изгубени (руски) самолети в хода на Сирийската война за периода 10.2015-09.2018
(източникът е на английски)
1. 24.11.2015: СУ-24М. (самолет)
Russian Air Force Roundel On 24 November 2015 a Russian Sukhoi Su-24M was shot down by a Turkish Air Force F-16 near the Syria–Turkey border, with both sides arguing about the actual position of the stricken aircraft, either hit on the Turkish or Syrian side of the border.
2. 24.11.2015: х2 Ми-8АМТ (хеликоптери)
Russian Air Force Roundel On 24 November 2015 two Russian Mi-8AMTsh helicopters were sent to find and recover the pilots from the crash site of the Su-24M downed before. One of the helicopters was damaged by small-arms fire from Syrian Turkmen Brigade militants, resulting in the death of a naval infantryman, and was forced to make an emergency landing.[93][94]
3. 12.04.2016: Мил Ми-28Т (хеликоптер)
Russian Air Force Roundel On 12 April 2016, a Russian Air Force Mil Mi-28N, crashed near Homs, killing its crew of two.
4. 08.07.2016: Mи-35M (хеликоптер)
Russian Air Force Roundel On 8 July 2016, a Russian Mi-35M crashed after its tail rotor was severed off by an explosion during a rocket attack against IS positions near Palmyra. Based on the video, it may have been shot down by Islamic State militants or suffered self-destruction by a misfired roket, a friendly fire theory has also been suggested.
5. 01.08.2016: Mi-8AMTS (хеликоптер)
Russian Air Force Roundel On 1 August 2016, a Russian Mi-8AMTSh transport helicopter was shot down by ground fire in the Idlib Governorate while returning to the Khmeimim Air Base.
6. 03.11.2016: Mи-35 (хеликоптер)
Russian Air Force Roundel On 3 November 2016, a Russian Mi-35 made an emergency landing near Syria's Palmyra city, and was hit and destroyed -possibly by an unguided recoilless weapon at after it touched down, but the crew returned safely to the Khmeimim air base.[126]
7. 14.11.2016. МиГ-29К/КУБ (самолет)
Russian Air Force Roundel On 14 November 2016, a MiG-29KUB crashed en route back to the carrier following a planned mission over Syria after a previous MiG landing on the Admiral Kuznetsov snapped one of its arrestor cables which prevented the doomed aircraft from landing before running out of fuel. Pilot ejected and survived.[127][128]
8. 03.12.2016: Су-33 (самолет)
Russian Air Force Roundel On 3 December 2016, the Russian Navy's Admiral Kuznetsov air wing suffered its second loss in less than a month when a Sukhoi Su-33 Flanker-D combat aircraft crashed into the sea after the plane snapped the arrestor cable. Pilot ejected and survived.[130]
9. 06.10.2017: Mи-28Н (хеликоптер)
Russian Air Force Roundel 6 October 2017 – A Russian Mil Mi-28N made an emergency landing in the east of Hama province, south side of Sheikh Helal.
10. 10.10.2017: Су-24 (самолет)
Russian Air Force Roundel 10 October 2017 – A Russian Su-24 crashed during takeoff at Khmeimim Air Base, Latakia province, supposedly due to technical malfunction.
11. 31.12.2017: Ми-24. (хеликоптер), х4 Су-24, х2 Су-35С, 1 Ан-72 (самолети)
Russian Air Force Roundel 31 December 2017 – A Russian Air Force MI-24 crashed due to hitting power lines in Hama province, 2 of the 3 crew died.[166]
Russian Air Force Roundel 31 December 2017 – The Russian news agency Kommersant reported that at least seven Russian planes were damaged or destroyed by rebel shelling in Syria, two Russian soldiers died in the attack and another 10 were wounded.[167] [168]
At least four Su-24 bombers, two Su-35S fighters and an An-72 transport plane, as well as an ammunition depot, were destroyed by the shelling, Kommersant said on its website, citing two "military-diplomatic" sources.[169]
Russian MoD later denied information about planes destruction.[170]
Leaked photos showed the planes were only damaged and some of them repaired few days after the attack.[171] [172]
12. 03.02.2018: Су-25 (самолет)
13. 06.03.2018: Ан-26 (самолет)
Russian Air Force Roundel 6 March 2018 – 2018 Antonov An-26 crash – A Russian military transport airplane Antonov An-26 crashed while landing at Khmeimim Airbase. [182]
14. 03.05.2018: Су-30СМ (самолет)
15. 07.05.2018: Ка-52 (хеликоптер)
Russian Air Force Roundel 7 May 2018 - A Russian Ka-52 helicopter has crashed during a routine flight over eastern regions of the Syrian Arab Republic.
16. 17.09.2018: Ил-20 (самолет)
Russian Air Force Roundel 17 September 2018 – a Russian Ilyushin Il-20 reconnaissance plane with 15 personnel was inadvertently shot down by the Syrian Army′s anti-aircraft artillery.[203]