Разгадайте ключевое слово, отгадав слова по горизонтали.
1) Newly washed
2) Bollywood country
3) Quite unpleasant
4) The daughter of your brother or sister
5) Creature from outer space./Unfamiliar, strange/1979 film directed by Ridley Scott
6) Someone employed to show new clothes/Example to follow
7) Arctic or Atlantic
8) A sound, especially a loud or disturbing one
Ключевое слово:
Spice used in baking
Clean - чистый
India - Индия
Nasty - противный, неприятный, гадкий
Niece - племянница
Alien - инопланетянин; чужой
Model - модель; образец
Ocean - океан
Noise - шум
Cinnamon - корица
Because they're clean? (Seinfeld)
Stewie, I'm going to India. (Family Guy)
-It's a nasty cough you got there.
-What cough? (Seinfeld)
- Of course. - My niece told me you were different. (Seinfeld)
When the aliens come, who do you think they're gonna relate to? (Seinfeld)
- Kramer, she's a model.
- Exactly. (Seinfeld)
And threw it in the ocean, huh? (Seinfeld)
Well, I heard a noise. (Seinfeld)
There's chocolate, and there's cinnamon. (Seinfeld)