Тема: Illegal Uploads of <название продукта>
Текст письма: Hello <имя автора>, my name is <ваше имя> and I am from <здесь название компании по рекламе/маркетингу>. Recently I came across your product <название продукта> and noticed it has been uploaded on quite a few file sharing sites, most likely without your consent. Here at <название компании по рекламе/маркетингу>, we specialize in helping content creators reach a wider audience. We realize that leaking of your product costs you money, and that is why I am here today to offer you my services. At your request we can take down the following leaks within the next 72 hours. Some sites where your product has been shared are as follows:
<ссылка на найденную «утечку» 1> <ссылка на найденную «утечку» 2> <ссылка на найденную «утечку» 3> <ссылка на найденную «утечку» 4>
These illegal uploads are costing you money and I advise you to take care of this quickly. If you are interested in our services here at <название компании по рекламе/маркетингу> please send me a response to this email with any and all question you may have. I will be glad to answer any concerns or inquiries you have as well as provide you with more information regarding our services.
Regards, <ваше имя> <insertemail@website.com> <название компании по рекламе/маркетингу >