Разгадайте ключевое слово, отгадав слова по горизонтали:
1) It's not left/ Correct; appropriate
2) Proof that a suspect could not have committed a crime
3) Taste, touch or sight/Is logical, makes ...
4) Slice of cake or pizza
5) Without money
6) Go through the door/Button on a computer keyboard
7) Move higher
8) Opposite of 'smooth'
9) Opposite of old
1) RIGHT - правый; правильно
2) ALIBI - алиби
3) SENCE - чувство; смысл
4) PIECE - кусок
5) BROKE - без денег, разоренный; прошедшее время от break: ломать, разбивать
6) ENTER - входить
7) RAISE - поднимать, подниматься, повышать; прибавка (к зарплате)
8) ROUGH - грубый, неровный
9) YOUNG - молодой
RASPBERRY - малина
Right. Right. Okay.
- We have to discuss my alibi.
- Alibi?
It doesn't make sense.
Have a piece.
- You broke the window?
- He broke the window?
Elaine enters.
I'm giving you a raise?
I'll tell you, that was pretty rough.
You're a young man.
...with string of pearls and raspberry scones.