Разгадайте ключевое слово, отгадав слова по горизонтали.
1) Trip in a car
2) Additional, ... time
3) It's neither dark nor heavy
4) Edition of a magazine
5) Unclouded / understandable
6) Without fault
7) Something you give to the waiter
8) Unhappy, distressed
9) Alaska or Alabama
Having good taste
Drive - водить машину, ехать
Extra - дополнительный
Light - светлый; легкий; свет
Issue - выпуск, издание; проблема
Clear - ясный; понятный
Ideal - идеальный, совершенный
Order - заказывать, заказ
Upset - расстраивать, расстроенный
State - штат
Delicious - очень вкусный
- I can't drive?
- Yeah.
We got a little problem here. We got two extra tickets. (Seinfeld)
Step into the light. (The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug)
They're publishing it in their next issue.
Right out of the clear blue sky? - Clear blue sky. (Seinfeld)
Ideal man? (Sherlock)
Did you just order coffee? (Seinfeld)
George is getting upset! (Seinfeld)
These were banned in all 50 states.
(The Simpsons)
Delicious. (Seinfeld)