В сети появился список релизов игр для PC, Mac, Linux, Playstation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch и PS Vita, выход которых запланирован на наступающую неделю c 20 по 26 августа 2018 года. Ниже вы можете ознакомиться с полным списком релизов для всех основных игровых платформ на эту неделю:
Игры для PC, Mac и Linux
- 7 Billion Humans
- Age of Gladiators II: Rome
- Algae
- Animosity (Early Access)
- Astonia Reborn (Early Access)
- Astrela Starlight (Early Access)
- Battle royale simulator
- Battle Squares (Early Access)
- BE THE HERO (Early Access)
- Bean Battles
- Brick Breaker with Risa
- Brothers in Arms: Kill to Survive (Early Access)
- BrutalAliens
- Burnout Paradise Remastered
- Cadria Item Shop
- Castle of Venia
- City Blocks
- Crazy Alchemist (Early Access)
- CyberRebeat -The Fifth Domain of Warfare-
- Cybrus
- Dangerous Lands - Magic and RPG
- DCR: Drive.Crash.Repeat
- Deep Space (Bondo Games) (Early Access)
- Der Milchbauer
- DimensionsVS (Early Access)
- Double Stretch
- Driftpunk Racer
- Drymir Cave under Richmordnom
- Exodus (Early Access)
- F1 2018
- Factory pirates
- FanTris
- Fast Dust
- Feelin
- Fitzzle Gentle Deer
- Free Throw
- Gamer Sensei's Range Royale
- Ghosting Gun S
- Girlfriend Cards
- Girls Dance VR
- Greetings
- Guacamelee! 2
- Gumstein: The Awakening (Early Access)
- Hack the Core
- Hacked (Early Access)
- Heart'n Block
- HecatoncheirStory
- Hentai IQ Puzzle
- Hentai Master
- Hipster Attack
- Hollow Knight: Godmaster
- Idle Hunter
- Infommi (Early Access)
- Jack Is Missing
- JQ: Beautiful Japan
- Knocking on her door
- Koi Solitaire
- Laggerjack
- Lauren's visit
- Lazy Galaxy: Rebel Story
- Legend of Assassin: Egypt
- Leisure Town
- Lessons learned
- Lily's Night Off
- LoveBug
- Lucah: Born of a Dream
- Misfit
- Multicellular (Early Access)
- My Holiday
- Need a packet?
- Neverliria
- Ocean Nomad: Survival on Raft
- Olorun: Theocracy (Early Access)
- One person story
- Pachansky Mathematics 2+2=8
- Permission VR
- Pit of Evil
- Pixel Draw
- PowerUp Elevation
- Project GR-5LYR: Galactic Relocation
- Quirky Crystal RPG
- Retro Snake Adventures
- Running Man 3D
- Sexy Jigsaw / Sexy Puzzle
- Sheepageddon
- Shenmue I & II
- Skywriter
- Slay The Dragon (Early Access)
- Slime Age: Parody MMORPG Clicker
- Socketeer
- Spaceball! (Early Access)
- Strike Cars
- Strive for Infinity
- Subsideria
- Supaplex SQUARES
- Surge
- Survive in Angaria 2
- Survivor in Summer (Early Access)
- Swords with spice (Early Access)
- TailzFromTheGrave
- Tech Corp.
- Tempo Wizard
- Test your knowledge: Cats
- The Ball Encounter
- The Commission: Organized Crime Grand Strategy
- The Eerie Inn VR
- The King's Bird
- The Misfits (Early Access)
- The Moonstone Equation
- The Odd Battle
- The Orphaned Soul
- The Real Laser Ball
- Touhou Luna Nights (Early Access)
- Tyler: Model 005
- Typical nightmare
- Undead & Beyond
- Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[st]
- Uventa
- VentureVerse: Legend of Ulora (Early Access)
- Waifu Master
- WAR_WAR_WAR: Smiles vs Ghosts
- When Wardens Fall (Early Access)
- Zup! Zero 2
Игры для Playstation 4
- All-Star Fruit Racing
- Brawlout
- Candleman: The Complete Journey
- Dead Cells
- F1 2018
- Fall of Light: Darkest Edition
- Guacamelee! 2
- Gunhouse
- Little Dragons Cafe
- Mothergunship
- Out Of The Box
- Pizza Titan Ultra
- Salt and Sanctuary
- Shenmue I & II
- Slime Rancher
- Socketeer
- Spectrum
- Super Life of Pixel
- Track Lab
- Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr
Игры для Xbox One
- All-Star Fruit Racing
- Brawlout
- Distrust
- Don't Sink
- F1 2018
- HAUNTED: Halloween '86 - The Curse Of Possum Hollow
- Mothergunship
- Phantom Doctrine
- Planet of the Apes: Last Frontier
- Shenmue I & II
- Spectrum
- Tyler: Model 005
- Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr
Игры для Nintendo Switch
- All-Star Fruit Racing
- Bad North
- Behind the Screen
- Candle: The Power of the Flame
- Dead Cells
- Earthworms
- Fall of Light: Darkest Edition
- Fernz Gate
- Flood of Light
- Gone Home
- Hacky Zack
- Hollow Knight: Godmaster
- Kero Blaster
- Little Dragons Cafe (Limited Edition)
- Morphies Law
- My Farm
- Night Trap: 25th Anniversary Edition
- Out Of The Box
- Prison Architect: Nintendo Switch Edition
- Shio
- Sky Gamblers: Storm Raiders
- Space Ribbon
- Spectrum
- The Escapists 2: The Glorious Regime
- The Low Road
Игры для PS Vita
- Gunhouse
- Salt and Sanctuary
- Super Life of Pixel
Отметим, что релизы всех указанных выше игр состоятся как в американском, так и в европейском регионе.
Источник информации: Опубликован список релизов игр для PC, Mac, Linux, PS4, Xbox One, NS и PS Vita за период с 20 по 26 августа 2018 | ZYXgame