I think that nearly everyone knows such bands as "Sunrise Avenue", "Rasmus", "HIM", "Nightwish", but not everyone knows that the origin of these bands is Finland. "Wait, what? What does it mean you don't know them???" - this how I reacted when at one of our orientation days during the presentation teacher presented us these groups and asked which of them we know and it turned out that a few number of exchange students really acquainted with discographies of these bands. To say I was surprised means say nothing at all.
If you don't know them, I advice you to read everything I will write down below and then hurry to correct this mistake, because these bands have really nice songs, you should hear them!
1. Let's start with "Sunrise Avenue"
This band from the city of Espoo has won the hearts of millions with its melodious pop rock. In recent years they have become one of the most frequently heard groups on German radio stations. The composer and soloist knows how to touch the deepest feelings with his more-than-life style ballads. I think the most famous track by this band is "Fairytale gone bad", I bet you heard it, but if you didn't, do it immediately! Also among my favourites are "Welcome to my life", "Romeo", "Forever yours" and "I don't dance".
2. Next - "Rasmus"
These guys started off as lively, energetic teenagers playing optimistic fun. Later, they turned into a stylish rock band with a correctly measured amount of darkness, which gives their ideal pop songs tempting depth. In 2004 there were few places in the world where their song “In the Shadows”, which became an international hit, didn't play on the radio. In addition to this song you should listen "Shot", "Living in a world without you", "Justify" and "First day of my life".
3. Last but not least - HIM
Playing in the self-invented style “love metal, HIM is a rock band in its classic image. I'm not a fan, but I love several songs - "Scared to death" and "Funeral of hearts". If you fond of rock, you'll like them.
Download these songs and enjoy!