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English Exams Easy •IELTS/TOEFL•

Animal protection • IELTS Listening

Dolphin Conservation Trust
Dolphin Conservation Trust

🌳Тема защиты окружающей среды встречается в каждом втором тесте, поэтому очень важно запастись соответствующей лексикой! Например, хорошо бы знать, что слово "conservation" не имеет никакого отношения к консервированию или консервам!

Сегодня предлагаю вам потренировать навыки аудирования вместе с дельфинами🐬

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Прослушайте аудио и заполните пробелы!

My name's Alice. I would like to tell you about Dolphin Conservation Trust. 1_____, its purpose is to protect dolphins in seas all around the world. It tries to 2_____ people's awareness of the problems these marine creatures are 3_____ because of pollution and other threats. It started ten years ago and it's one of the fastest growing animal 4_____ in the country - although it's still fairly small compared with the big players in animal protection. Last year we visited a number of schools in different parts of the country, going round to talk to children and young people. In fact, about thirty-five per cent of our 5_____ are children. The charity uses its money to support campaigns - for example, for changes in fishing 6_____ and so forth. It hopes soon to be able to employ its first full-time biologist - with dolphin expertise. Of course, many people give their services on a 7_____ basis and we now have volunteers working in observation, office work and other things.

Ответьте на вопрос!

Questions 1 and 2. Choose TWO letters, А—Е. Which TWO things does Alice say about the Dolphin Conservation Trust?

А Children make up most of the membership.

В It’s the country's largest conservation organisation.

С It helps finance campaigns for changes in fishing practices.

D It employs several dolphin experts full-time.

Е Volunteers help in various ways.

to be continued…

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