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"Последний танец": бесподобная партия за белых с матом от Владимира Крамника (матч 2004 года, Бриссаго, 1-0) - чемпионат мира по классике

Крамник - Леко, 2004, 1-0, Vladimir Kramnik vs Peter Leko; "Last Dance"; Kramnik - Leko Classical World Championship Match (2004), Brissago SUI, rd 14, Oct-18; Caro-Kann Defense: Advance. Tal Variation (B12)  · 1-0

1. e4 {(Notes by GM Ray Keene.) Kramnik, the defending world
champion, scored a brilliant victory in the 14th and final
game; Peter Leko resigned after 41 moves when faced with
checkmate. This is only the third time in the entire history
of the World Championship that the defending champion has
saved his title by winning in the final game. The game itself
was a jewel of controlled aggression. Despite consistent
exchanges throughout the game, Kramnik maintained an iron grip
on the position and ultimately blasted his way into the black
camp via the dark squares. Taking no account of material
sacrifices it was Kramnik�s king that dealt the fatal blow
when it marched right into the heart of the opposing
position. This outstanding game, the best of the match,
recalled the classic fifth game won by Petrosian against
Botvinnik in 1963 when a similarly epic king march in an
endgame brought White a classic victory. "I had to give
everything, especially at the end, to win against such an
opponent. Peter Leko is an incredible defender. For me it was
more difficult than my match against Kasparov in the year
2000", said Kramnik after the game. Leko said in conclusion:
"It was a very hard fight. In the end, it was not enough for
me to win the title. I'm disappointed, but I'm looking forward
to the future. I'm 25 years old, and I hope to get a new
chance to become world champion." } c6 {Leko is not averse to
repeating the main lines of the Caro-Kann.} 2. d4 d5 3. e5 {By
contrast, Kramnik must seek sharper paths. This move, favoured
by Nimzowitsch, Tal and Short, is ideal for a must-win
situation, since it locks pawn formations and avoids premature
exchanges.} Bf5 4. h4 {Nimzowitsch liked this 3 e5 variation
and would play here 4 Bd3. His most famous game with this line
is sadly a loss, a magnificent manoeuvring game against
Capablanca from New York 1927. The most common alternative
these days is 4 Nc3, as played for example by Kasparov in a
drastic win over Karpov at Linares 2001, which continued
4...e6 5 g4 Bg6 6 Nge2 Ne7 7 Nf4 c5 8 dxc5 Nd7 9 h4 Nxe5 10
Bg2 h5 11 Qe2 N7c6 12 Nxg6 Nxg6 13 Bg5 Be7 14 gxh5 Nf8 15 Nb5
Nd7 16 h6. The latest try for Black is 4 Nc3 a5!? as in
Sebag-Chiburdanidze, FIDE WCh Women KO, Elista 2004. Black won
in 33 moves after 5 Be3 a4 6 a3 Qb6 7 Rb1 Qa5 8 g4 Bd7 9 Bg2
e6 10 Nge2 c5 11 0�0 Nc6 12 f4 h5. This 4 h4 line was tested
repeatedly in the Tal-Botvinnik WCC match, Moscow 1961, with
generally favourable results for Black. The paths they
followed are retraced below.} h6 {4...h5 may be preferable,
after which Tal tried 5 Ne2 e6 6 Ng3 g6 7 Nxf5 gxf5 8 c4 c5 9
cxd5 Qxd5 but only drew their 14th game from 1961.} 5. g4
{Instead 5 Ne2 is possible and in their 20 th game 5 e6 6 Ng3
Ne7 7 Nc3 Nd7 8 Be3 Bh7 9 Bd3 Bxd3 10 cxd3 h5 led to a
marathon struggle and another draw.} Bd7 {It looks more
natural to retreat the bishop along the b1-h7 diagonal, but,
in that case, Black has to reckon with the dangerous pawn sac
e5-e6.} 6. Nd2 {This looks like a new move. In the 10th
Tal-Botvinnik game from 1961, we saw 6 h5 c5 7 c3 Nc6 8 Bh3 e6
9 Be3 Qb6 10 Qb3 cxd4 11 Qxb6 axb6 12 cxd4 Na5 and Black won
in 42; while the 18 th game followed the course 6 c3 c5 7 Bg2
e6 8 Ne2 Bb5 9 Na3 Bxe2 10 Qxe2 cxd4 11 cxd4 Bxa3 12 bxa3 Nc6
and Black won again. However, Tal persisted with this line,
and in Tal-Pachman, Bled 1961, he finally won after launching
an attack following 7... e6 8 f4 Qb6 9 Nf3 Nc6 10 Na3 cxd4 11
cxd4 O-O-O 12 Nc2 Kb8 13 Bd3 Nge7 14 Rb1 Na5 15 Bd2 Rc8 16
b4.} c5 {Black has one way to free himself before White's
pawns begin to exert a fatal grip.} 7. dxc5 e6 8. Nb3 Bxc5 {A
small combination that regains his pawn, but at the cost of
trading his dark squared bishop. 9...Qc7 would doubtless
transpose, but this is more forcing.} 9. Nxc5 Qa5+ 10. c3 Qxc5
11. Nf3 Ne7 12. Bd3 Nbc6 13.Be3 Qa5 14. Qd2 {The tone of play
for the middlegame is set -- Black's position is resilient,
f game 5 from
the Petrosian-Botvinnik WCC match, Moscow 1963.} Rxd4+ 38.Kg5
exf5 39.Kf6 Rg4 40.Rc7 Rh4 41.Nf7+ {Black resigns since
41...Ke8 42 Rc8+ Kd7 43 Rd8 is mate. A jewel of a game and a
sublime atonement for the sins of omission in some previous
games of this match. Now compare the celebrated king march by
Petrosian that doubtless provided inspiration for Kramnik as
he conducted his final onslaught. } 1-0