7 прочтений · 2 года назад
Colorful 🌅 Sunset in Samara Meadows
These shots were captured during an evening walk in the area I am living, at Sukhaya Samarka, Samara, Russia. The clouds were beautiful on that day. We had water rising for the second time in this spring season. In the Russian language we do call high water as 'polovodye'. These are meadows, lakes, and rivers in between of the two cities: Samara and Novokuybyshevsk. The dewberry ('ezhevika' in Russian) plant in the setting sun's light...
5 прочтений · 2 года назад
🌅 High Water Sunset
With recent coldness and rains we have seen a lot more sunsets. This is due to more spare time in the evenings. During high-water season, nature provides a stunning show of waves and reflections on water surface. Everything was captured in front of the Koroviy island. And it is in Samara. In this branch I tested...
3 прочтения · 2 года назад
🍳 Nettle and Mushrooms Soup. Cooking Idea for Lunch at Home
Nettle and oyster mushrooms are a perfect match with the right balance of nutritiousness and aromatic flavors. This green soup can be vegan and gluten-free, but I added chicken and noodles. Also, I minced the nettle in a blender. You will definitely like this idea of lunch at home! The photograph, video, and all the text are my own...
2 прочтения · 2 года назад
Feeding a 🪶 Baby Crow, How-To
It can be so hard to see a baby crow on the ground and not know how to help. Here is a way to make it easy: do not touch the bird, then dig an earthworm, then put the worm into a nestling's beak using a stick. Alternatively, you can buy another worms in a fishing shop or gardening center...
5 прочтений · 2 года назад
🌦 After the Rain, on Thursday
In the Russian language, the saying "After the rain, on Thursday" (Posle dozhdichka v chetverg) is used to describe an event that never or rarely occurs. Appreciate the beautiful changes in nature as they happen. There are things to look out for and happenings that will help you enjoy the warm weather and blooming flowers...
14 прочтений · 2 года назад
ПАРАД ПОБЕДЫ 🎖 9 мая 2022 в Самаре, Россия. Полная видео запись мероприятия
Вечерняя репетиция военного парада Победы в Самаре 4 мая 2022. Показывал мероприятие в прямом эфире на своём YouTube канале, вот полная видеозапись: Большим плюсом посещения репетиции вместо основного события является относительно свободный вход (а не по пропускам/приглашениям, как в День Победы)...
1 прочтение · 2 года назад
Stunning Lake Podstannoye in Autumn
I had a lot of fun with my friends during our recent bike ride. We cycled within the Novokuybyshevsk urban district to the Granny settlement and along the way we saw a beautiful lake. I took these autumnal photographs of the lake Podstannoye that I wanted to share with you. Hope you enjoy the snaps...
1 прочтение · 2 года назад
Zhiguli Marathon Samara Bend
This was my very first half marathon in life: I ran it on Oct 5, 2014. The Zhiguli aka Samara Bend marathon has a half marathon satellite run. During the race, we enjoyed those beautiful autumnal views of the Samara Bend: IIRC, this was my very first finisher medal, too: His name is Dirk Vlierboom. He is a Hollander in Russia...
14 прочтений · 2 года назад
Пейзажи на бегу
Поснимал пейзажи во время полуденной пробежки по округе. Разумное количество трусцы отлично снимает стресс и помогает упорядочить мысли в голове в непростые времена. А какой вид активности любите вы? #фотография...
5 прочтений · 2 года назад
Пейзажи дневной пробежки по округе. А какой вид активности любите вы?
30 прочтений · 2 года назад
Самогон лучше, чем Инстаграм
Бросил нынче Инстаграм, Накидавшись по сто грамм. Твитер не нужон — Лучше самогон. *** Этот материал подчёркивает пагубное влияние спиртного на организм. Употребление алкоголя вредит вашему физическому и психическому здоровью, а также материальному и социальному состояниям! *** Эта фотография и стих мои собственные...