27 подписчиков
I can not believe how fast time has passed. It was not so long ago that I had a positive pregnancy test in my hands for the first time in my life and now I've been in maternity protection for almost a week! What has changed since I was pregnant? To be honest, not so much! The first 3 months were the biggest challenge for me. Because here my body was simply unimaginable, especially with regard to hunger and circulation. In the morning I was often dizzy if I did not eat immediately after getting up...
4 года назад
The British dating culture through the centuries is as varied and interesting as the culture of the country itself. Unlike other nations, social status used to play a key role in the way the British went on dates. It would even be an understatement to say that Britain was once a class-conscious country. Modern Britain, however, has now become more inclusive and multicultural. The LGBTQ+ community members, for example, are enjoying a sense of sexual liberation that first started in the 1960s. But of course, some traditions still linger to this day, especially status-wise. How people dress up continues to be dependent on status...
9 месяцев назад