1 подписчик
Lesson 3 Active Vocabulary Read and learn the foil owing words: medicine ['medsin] 1. медицина; лекарство practice ['præktis] практика practise заниматься врачебной деятельностью drive out [draiv] изгонять plague [pleiց] чума quite [kwait] совершенно, вполне x oath [ouθ] клятва practitioner (præk'tiʃǝnǝ] практикующий врач, практик physician [fi'ziʃn] врач examine (iց'zæmin] осматривать (пациента) create [kri'eit] создавать basis ['beisis] основа experience [ik' spiǝnǝns] опыт free [fri:] 1. свободный; 2...
2 года назад
31 подписчик
#падежирусскогоязыка #падежи #русский язык #английский Именительный падеж, you know it as just who and what. For example, I live in Mexico. Here "I" is answered on the question: who? When we talk about word order in English, we use special constructions like Subject Verb and Object. Subject is answered on Who or What, an active "face". It's Именительный падеж. Родительный падеж can be answered on the following question such as whose? or who or which belongs? For example: I am a student of the Moscow University...
2 года назад