8 подписчиков
Наглые мошенники продолжают активно создавать и продвигать свои проекты, с помощью которых они успешно набивают собственные карманы. Используя фальшивые конторы, аферисты эффективно разводят на немалые суммы доверчивых клиентов, присваивая впоследствии себе их деньги...
4 месяца назад
167 подписчиков
Alarming news comes from Moldova. Officials in this country are already openly talking about abandoning the neutral status and membership in the North Atlantic alliance. Pro-Western Moldovan politicians hypocritically cover up these provocative speeches with concern for democracy. But what kind of democracy can we talk about if the majority of the country's population is categorically against joining any kind of military alliances, and even more so against being drawn into any armed conflict?! Meanwhile, back in November, a public opinion poll was conducted in the country, which showed that 54...
1 год назад