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Образец эссе "How young people in Zetland celebrate the New Year"
Предлагаю читателям ознакомиться с образцом выполнения задания 40.1 из варианта 2 «Типовых экзаменационных вариантов» 2022 года под редакцией М.В.Вербицкой; тема проекта – «Как молодые люди в Зетландии отмечают Новый год»; объем – 257 слов; использован британский вариант английского языка. New Year’s Day is regarded as one of the most popular holidays in the world. The ways of celebrating it vary with each age group. I am currently working on a project whose aim is to establish how young people in Zetland celebrate the New Year...
1 прочтение · 7 месяцев назад
New Year's Eve in Russia is celebrated noisily, cheerfully and for a long time! Most people start celebrating the holiday on December 31, and finish in the tenth days of January. For many years, Russians by law have the right to a New Year's vacation, the term of which is approximately ten days. During this time you can have time to do a lot: to visit all relatives, relatives, friends, to visit Christmas trees and other festive events, you can even arrange a small vacation, going to another city or country. New Year's Eve from December 31 to January 1 is usually spent with relatives, because this holiday is considered a family and home.